Torchlight Infinite Order and Chaos

In Torchlight Infinite, the forces of Order and Chaos are fundamental concepts that drive the narrative and gameplay in profound ways. Here's a breakdown of their significance:


  • Embodiment of Structure and Law: Order represents stability, predictability, and adherence to established rules. It seeks to maintain balance and prevent chaos from wreaking havoc. In the game, Order manifests through the Etherium, a powerful crystal energy source that fuels advanced technology and fuels the city of Ascadia.
  • Favored by the Ascendant: The Ascendant, the benevolent entity who guides humanity in Torchlight, embodies aspects of Order. Their followers, known as the Orderians, strive to uphold the Ascendant's teachings and maintain order throughout the land.
  • Gameplay Implications: Order-aligned skills and abilities often focus on defense, control, and precision strikes. They might involve shielding, crowd control, and strategic energy management.


  • Embodiment of Unpredictability and Change: Chaos represents raw, unbridled energy, freedom from constraints, and the potential for both creation and destruction. It thrives on change and challenges established order. In Torchlight, Chaos manifests through the Umbral Shards, fragments of a powerful entity known as the Umbra, which grant corrupted abilities and fuel the monstrous Netherim.
  • Embrace by the Umbra: The Umbra, a malevolent entity seeking to consume the world, embodies aspects of Chaos. Its followers, the Umbralists, revel in the power of Chaos and seek to overthrow the Orderian system.
  • Gameplay Implications: Chaos-aligned skills and abilities often focus on offensive power, mobility, and unpredictable effects. They might involve explosive attacks, teleportation, and inflicting status ailments on enemies.

The Conflict Between Order and Chaos:

The ongoing struggle between Order and Chaos is a central theme in Torchlight Infinite. It drives the main storyline, shapes the world's factions and characters, and even influences your own gameplay choices as you decide which side to align with or whether to forge your own path.

Here are some additional aspects of Order and Chaos to consider:

  • The Grey Areas: The lines between Order and Chaos can be blurred. Some characters and abilities might embody aspects of both, and the consequences of their actions can be complex and nuanced.
  • Player Choice: You have the freedom to choose how you engage with the Order and Chaos conflict. You can side with one faction, remain neutral, or even exploit both forces for your own ends.
  • Evolution and Change: The nature of Order and Chaos is not static. They can evolve and adapt over time, presenting new challenges and opportunities in the world of Torchlight Infinite.

I hope this overview provides you with a deeper understanding of the fascinating forces of Order and Chaos in Torchlight Infinite. Remember, the choice ultimately lies with you - will you uphold the Order, embrace the Chaos, or forge your own destiny?

Order and Chaos

Order: the character initially has 100 points of Order and loses 1 point per 1s. Gains 1 point of Chaos for every point of Order lost.

Torchlight Infinite Order and Chaos

When enhancing a Divinity Slate successfully, there is a small chance to transform a powerful, leveled-up Affix into the new god’s exclusive Talent Affix, “Divine Entropy.” Divine Entropy empowers Hunters with the ability to control “Order and Chaos.”

Torchlight Infinite Flame Elementium

Torchlight Infinite Guide