Torchlight Infinite Exemption Tickets

When you make a sale on the trade house a portion will be collected in the form of a Trade Tax. There is an exception for the first 200 Flame Elementium in a season. The tax rate is 1 in 8, so for every 8 Flame Elementium you earn through trading you receive 7, and the remaining 1 is added to your Tax.

Exemption Tickets

Trade Exemption Tickets are earned through Seasonal Events. You can use a Trade Exemption Ticket to return Flame Elementium that were previously paid as tax. So for example if you earned 800 Flame Elementium in a single trade you could use up to 100 Trade Exemption Tickets to return of the 100 Flame Elementium collected in tax.

Trade Exemption Tickets are both limited and powerful, but can only be used to return Flame Elementium. When selling items for other currencies such as Flame Sand you are always taxed, think carefully about your pricing.

Note: 1 Trade Exemption Ticket is always worth 1 Flame Elementium, so use them early on to re-invest into your build!

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Torchlight Infinite Guide