Throne and Liberty Roen Aron — TL

Throne and Liberty Roen Aron

Born 1178 ED. Height 167cm, weight 56kg (lean muscle), free knight. Skilled at sword fighting and transformation. Able to communicate with birds. A born noblewoman, she finds swearing awkward and profanity impossible even when angry. Escaped from Belphoret Castle when her father, Lord Mark Aron, was slain by Revil, and later formed the Order of the Swan. She decides to stand up to Revil not just for her revenge, but in the name of all of those who share her suffering.

This first chapter, Play Novel: Chapter 1, gives us an insight into some of the Characters in Throne & Liberty. There is a vast range of characters with many skills and physics. From the large 6 foot 2 inches Gerad Burnel with his muscular physique and skilled sword fighting. To the slight and nimble Roen Aron with her transformation capabilities. With wizards and sandworms this vast array of characters gives a truly gripping story.

Throne and Liberty Roen Aron

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