Throne and Liberty Abilities — TL

TL has a class-less combat system, which means players can adapt their style by picking up different weapons without feeling tied-down to a certain set of skills and abilities. PVP is not forced, but can instead be opted into by entering certain zones during PVP events. There is a PVP ranking system. Guilds can also compete over areas of the map and earn rewards for controlling certain zones.

List of Throne and Liberty Skills

Throne and Liberty Abilities & Skills

Rather than being defined by classes, player roles and abilities will be dictated by which weapons the player has equipped, and you are able to equip two of them, swapping between them at will. This system is quite similar to the one used in the Elder Scrolls Online, however in that game you do have a preselected class – the chosen weapons merely augment them with extra skill options on top, whereas in Thrones and Liberty the weapons will completely define your role and abilities.

Throne and Liberty Action Combat

In theory this promises much greater freedom for players and does away with the need to reroll new characters, at least for combat reasons. Don’t like your ability set? Just try out a new weapon. Need to change up your role to help out your friends? Again, no need to switch to an “alt” character, you can just change your weapon to fulfil that role.

Throne and Liberty Abilities

Connecting the skill sets of different weapons will be an important thing to master in Throne and Liberty for higher level gameplay, as doing so will offer unique offensive and defensive options that allow you to get the most out of your build.

All of this seems to point to a great deal of flexibility offered to players. Doing away with the need to swap characters to make use of certain class abilities for a raid, dungeon or event should also help players to become really immersed in the character they initially created.

If NCSoft manage to pull it off and release this system in a polished state, then Throne and Liberty could be one of the biggest challenges so far to the traditional class system in MMO games.

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Throne and Liberty Skills

In Throne and Liberty, skills take center stage in shaping your combat experience. Unlike traditional class-based systems, your skillset and playstyle are defined by the two weapons you equip. Each weapon boasts a unique arsenal of skills, allowing you to mix and match them to create your own personalized fighting style. Let's delve deeper into the intricacies of Throne and Liberty's skill system:

Types of Skills:

  • Active Skills: These are your bread and butter, directly triggering various attacks, buffs, and abilities. They vary in cooldown times, resource costs, and effects, offering diverse combat options.
  • Passive Skills: These enhance your overall performance by providing permanent or situational bonuses like increased damage, critical chance, or movement speed.

Skill Trees and Specialization:

  • Each weapon has a dedicated skill tree where you can unlock and upgrade various skills.
  • The skill tree often branches out, offering different specializations to tailor your build towards specific strengths. Do you want to be a whirlwind of close-quarters attacks with dual swords? Or maybe a master archer with pinpoint precision? The choice is yours!

Skill Acquisition and Progression:

  • You typically learn new skills as you level up your character and specific weapon skills.
  • Skill points earned through leveling can be invested in the skill tree to unlock and enhance desired abilities.
  • Certain skills might require completing specific quests or challenges to become available.

Skill Combos and Synergy:

  • The beauty of Throne and Liberty's system lies in its focus on combining skills from different weapons to create devastating combos and intricate playstyles.
  • Master the chaining of your active skills with complementary passives to maximize your effectiveness and unleash powerful synergies.
  • Experimenting with different skill combinations is key to discovering your ultimate combat flow and dominating the battlefield.

Examples of Skill Synergy:

  • A sword and shield player could use a taunting skill to draw enemy aggro, followed by a strong shield bash to interrupt their attacks and create an opening for a devastating sword combo.
  • A bow and staff user might cast a DoT effect with their staff, then switch to their bow to rain down arrows on the afflicted target, maximizing damage output.

Skill Resources and Management:

  • Some skills consume resources like mana or stamina, requiring careful management in the heat of battle.
  • Balancing your resource usage while executing your skill combos is a crucial aspect of mastering advanced combat and optimizing your performance.


Throne and Liberty's skill system offers a deep and rewarding experience for those who embrace experimentation and strategic thinking. With its diverse skills, flexible combinations, and focus on player creativity, the possibilities are truly endless.

Feel free to ask if you have any further questions about specific skills, skill trees, or strategies for building your unique combat style in Throne and Liberty! I'm here to help you navigate the vast and exciting world of its skill system.

Environment Changes Player Skill

The first change the environment makes to the player is player skill. The dagger skill, Ghost Step, increases movement speed at night, and Venom Blood’s poison effect changes depending on whether it is day or night.

When the Lightning Chain is activated in the rain or when the opponent is wet, the electricity is transferred to the side to attack multiple enemies at the same time, and the Roxy Gust, when the arrows fly and the wind blows, additional projectiles fly and the damage increases.

When it rains, field objects (structures) occupied by guilds during occupation wars will fill up with water in low areas, making it impossible to fight in these areas.

Some terrains where Archboss appears have to be washed off with water when debuffed, but when it rains, the water level in the fountain rises, making it easier to wash.


Throne & Liberty is set to break the mold of traditional MMOs with its unique class system. Instead of choosing a specific class or role at the start of the game, players will be free to select any two weapons they wish and use them to access a variety of abilities.

This allows for a high level of flexibility and customization in terms of playstyle, as players can mix and match different weapon combinations to suit their preferences. However, it’s important to note that each weapon will likely need to be leveled up individually in order to unlock more powerful abilities, so there is still a sense of progression and development in the game.


Throne And Liberty will feature a variety of different weapons for the player to choose from. The weapons are believed to be:

  • Sword And Shield
  • Bow
  • Crossbow
  • Magical Staff
  • Daggers
  • Wand / Spell Book


It is believe you will only be able to play as humans.

A deeper dive into the world of Throne and Liberty's skills

In Throne and Liberty, skills play a crucial role in defining your combat prowess and playstyle. Unlike many other MMORPGs with predefined classes and skill sets, Throne and Liberty offers a dynamic system where your skills are determined by the two weapons you equip. This opens up a vast array of possibilities for customization and experimentation.

Here's a deeper dive into the world of Throne and Liberty's skills:

Weapon-specific Skills:

  • Each weapon has its own unique set of active and passive skills. These skills range from basic attacks and combos to powerful abilities with diverse effects.
  • Mastering the skills of each weapon you choose is key to becoming proficient in its combat style and maximizing its effectiveness.

Skill Trees and Specialization:

  • Each weapon has a dedicated skill tree where you can unlock and upgrade various abilities. These upgrades enhance the power, utility, or specific aspects of your skills.
  • You can further specialize your character by choosing different branches within the skill tree, focusing on specific strengths and playstyles. For instance, a sword and shield user might prioritize defensive or tanking skills, while a dual-wielding sword user might focus on maximizing damage output.

Skill Combinations and Synergy:

  • The true power of Throne and Liberty's skills lies in combining them strategically. Swapping between your two equipped weapons allows you to seamlessly chain different attack patterns, combos, and abilities, creating dynamic and fluid combat encounters.
  • Experimenting with different weapon combinations and skill synergies is a core part of the game. You can discover powerful combos, optimize your build for specific situations, and ultimately create your own unique combat style.

Examples of Skill Types:

  • Active Skills: These are triggered by pressing specific keys or buttons and directly impact your combat actions, such as melee attacks, ranged shots, or magical abilities.
  • Passive Skills: These provide permanent or temporary buffs and enhancements to your character's stats, abilities, or overall combat effectiveness.
  • Utility Skills: These offer non-combat benefits, like healing yourself or allies, providing movement buffs, or setting traps for enemies.

Learning and Acquiring Skills:

  • You learn new skills by leveling up your character and unlocking them in the corresponding weapon's skill tree.
  • Some skills can also be acquired through completing quests, defeating bosses, or participating in specific activities.

Additional Resources:

  • The official Throne and Liberty website and community forums offer detailed information on each weapon's skill trees, specific abilities, and potential synergies.
  • Watching gameplay videos and streams can also provide valuable insights into how players utilize different skills and weapon combinations effectively.


Throne and Liberty's skill system offers a deep and rewarding experience for players who enjoy customization and strategic combat. By mastering your chosen weapons, exploring skill combinations, and experimenting with different playstyles, you can forge your own unique path to victory in the world of Arcadia.

I encourage you to delve deeper into the vast array of skills available, discover what resonates with your preferences, and unleash your inner combatant in Throne and Liberty! Feel free to ask if you have any further questions about specific skills, builds, or weapon synergies.

Throne and Liberty's skill system

Throne and Liberty's skill system is an integral part of its unique and customizable class system. Here's a deeper dive into the various aspects of skills in the game:

Skill Types:

  • Basic Skills: These are your bread and butter abilities, used frequently in combat rotations and available from the start.
  • Advanced Skills: Unlocked through skill trees and specialization, these offer more powerful or specialized effects, enhancing your build and combat potential.
  • Passive Skills: These provide passive bonuses to your stats, abilities, or overall gameplay, further shaping your character and playstyle.
  • Ultimate Skills: Powerful abilities with long cooldowns, used for burst damage, crowd control, or strategic moments in combat.

Skill Trees:

  • Each weapon has a dedicated skill tree with multiple branches representing different specializations and playstyles.
  • You unlock and upgrade skills within these branches, customizing your character's abilities and defining your combat approach.
  • Points for skill trees are earned through leveling and completing quests, offering a gradual progression and sense of achievement as you unlock new skills.

Weapon Combos and Skill Synergies:

  • The beauty of Throne and Liberty's system lies in the interaction between different weapon skills.
  • Combining skills from your two equipped weapons can create powerful combos and unique effects, exceeding the sum of their parts.
  • Experimenting with different skill combinations and weapon synergies is key to mastering the combat system and finding your optimal playstyle.

Rotation and Flow:

  • Mastering the timing and execution of your skills is crucial for effective combat.
  • Weaving basic attacks, advanced skills, and weapon swaps into a smooth rotation maximizes your damage output and control over the battlefield.
  • Practice, experimentation, and observing other players will help you refine your skill rotation and become a combat master.

Additional Points:

  • Skill effects can be further enhanced through runes and enchantments, adding another layer of customization and strategic depth.
  • Some skills have secondary effects or utility beyond their primary damage, like healing, crowd control, or movement buffs.
  • Learning the full capabilities of your skills and their interactions is essential for mastering your chosen build and succeeding in challenging encounters.

Resources for Learning More:

  • Throne and Liberty's official website and forums often offer detailed information on skills, skill trees, and recommended builds.
  • Community guides and discussions can provide valuable insights and tips from experienced players.
  • Watching gameplay videos and streams can showcase different skill combinations and offer inspiration for your own build.

Remember, the journey to mastering your skills in Throne and Liberty is a continuous process of exploration and experimentation. Don't be afraid to try new things, adjust your approach, and find the perfect skill combination that unleashes your full potential as a warrior of Arcadia!

If you have any specific questions about individual skills, weapon synergies, or build recommendations, feel free to ask! I'm here to help you navigate the exciting world of Throne and Liberty's skills and forge your own path to victory.

Throne and Liberty