Throne and Liberty Features Homepage — TL

In the preview, producer Jongok Ahn and game design director Moonseop Lee revealed more about TL’s key features and details. They demonstrated how TL is a seamless living world and dungeons that change depending on the weather condition and surrounding environments. The MMORPG has an immersive narrative where the past, present, and future are connected. The game also features a “Free Class” system, where player roles are decided by the weapons of their choice, and a PvP (Player versus player) combat system that allows players to decide whether they want to engage or not.


  • Your “Class” is based on your weapon choice.  This operates very similarly to New World where you can have two weapon sets equipped.  You can dual wield and mix/match weapon sets to make your own unique class, similar to GW2 or NW.  You can level all weapons on one character which makes alts not necessary, similar to FFXIV or NW.  The Trinity(Tank, Heal, DPS) seems very likely to be confirmed.The “Three Pillars” of the Open World of TL are Environment, Events, and Memorials.
  • The Environment aspect relates to the 3D topography and using grappling, gliding, etc. to traverse these areas.  It also refers to the day/night cycles and the weather and the effect this has on the game.

    Throne and Liberty Features

  • Events are tied to Regional Events, such as the Wolf Tail event where players collect and turn in wolf tails and there is a leaderboard and PVP involved.  World Bosses are also considered events and have PVP turned on.  Guild/Occupation Wars are also an event.
  • Memorials are server wide events that will change the server as players contribute to them and they switch to new phases over time.
  • The UI is minimalistic and clean.
  • The game is likely on UE4 or UE5.  The server capacity seems to be 3000 to 5000 players.  The current plans for release are in the first half of 2023, the game was delayed to find a Western Publisher.  It is being developed for PC and Console.
  • The monetization is likely going to have some elements of P2W but the developers have stated they want to minimize it. 
  • Character Customization is limited to humans.  We can make a character based on a picture that is uploaded.

    Throne and Liberty Features

  • Player transformations are a big and important factor in the game for player movement through the 3D topography.
  • The only available playable race is human but players can transform.
  • Combat seems to be fully TAB target, but has a lot of movement and action involved.  Melee weapons cleave.  The most skills I saw was 8 per weapon, so 16 total but it could be higher than that on a max level character.
  • There seems to be a strong emphasis on having a great PVE experience in comparison to Lineage or other NCSoft titles which emphasized PVP.  We have already seen quite a few world bosses(See the Bestiary section).
  • They want to have a more involved story than they have had in past MMOs.  But they want that story to be optional for the players that don’t care about the story.
  • The status of PVP is very up in the air.  We don’t know after the latest update what the actual direction is for world PVP and the Karma system as they said in the Director’s Preview that most zones are PVP safe zones, which contradicts things they have said in the past regarding the Evil Deeds PK system.  It is also contradicted in the same video where they hint at PVP being on in the open world dungeons.  That being said, we do know that there is a lot of PVP in TL in the form of Occupation Wars and Sieges.  Sieges fight over major objectives like Castles, Occupation Wars focus on world capture points that confer benefits to the guild that owns them.  PVP might be on in dungeons, world bosses, some regional events, and of course Guild and Occupation Wars, but we need further confirmation on some of the PVP elements for sure.
  • Travel and Player Transformations are a major feature in this MMO.  This allows the player to traverse the 3D terrain.  Players can transform into wolves, sharks, birds, and even Siege Golems.
  • Day/Night Cycles and the Weather have a big effect on the game world.  It can affect player skills, boss power levels and drop tables, what kind of mobs spawn, and even affect the terrain where players are restricted from certain areas by rain filling areas.  Day lasts 4 hours, night lasts 1 hour.
  • Weather once it changes naturally will stay that way for 30 minutes.  
  • Max level is at least 70 but could be higher.
  • The Map is seen in the “Map” section.

    Throne and Liberty Features

  • The name of the World of TL is called NOVCREA
  • Players that are at the top of certain daily leaderboards can use a skill that is only usable twice per day to change various elements of the day/night or weather for 10 minutes.
  • There have been a lot of bosses shown, and they seem to be in the open world and require large raid groups to kill.
  • Winning a Siege seems to be done by channeling the throne.
  • The Western Publisher is rumored to be Amazon.
  • Internal testing with 3000 people happened August 22, External testing should be happening soon.
  • Pets and Minions have been seen in videos but the function of them is not known.
  • The only profession seen so far in videos is herbalism.

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