Throne and Liberty Story — TL

They want to have a compelling story but they want it to be optional for those that are not interested.

There is little known about the current story, but they did release a “TL Story Map” and “TL Play Novel” that give some story information.

  1. TL Story Map
  2. TL Play Novel

Crafting the World's Story

We've also spent a substantial amount of time crafting the world's story. Ultimately, the stories in an MMO are about the history that you all create. That history becomes the legend of the game.

throne and liberty Crafting the world's story

However, worldbuilding and a background saga are also pivotal elements. Players see the connection among the past, the present, and the future, experiencing rich legacies and stories that transcend the boundaries of time. They get to know mythical figures and learn their heartfelt stories, through which they can better appreciate and experience the world of TL.

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I: Star Children
The book of Beginnings
II: Captain Davinci’s Resistance Army III: Witch Calanthia’s Invasion
1192 A.N.
IV: Kazar Simosen of the Arkeum Legions
1194 A.N.
V: For the Freedom of Solisium

The Star of Silaves…

It is rumored that fragments of the Sealstone containing Silaves, God-

dess of Destruction,

were scattered around the world like stars after the stone was shattered.

Those born with the power of these “stars”

were called Star Children.

Revil Lupius seized the throne of Solisium

with the backing of the Arkeum Legions and started a brutal war.

Davinci Aron and the leaders of several guilds formed

the Allied Resistance Forces to stop the Arkeum Legions.

Meanwhile, the wizard Yan Junion was secretly protecting

the Star Children so they wouldn’t become exploited as tools of war.

Kazar, commander of the Arkeum Legions,

dispatched the witch Calanthia to the children’s island.

The island was destroyed due to the invasion of Calanthia and the

Arkeum Legions,

and Clay Carter evacuated the Star Children.

Kazar continued to pursue Silaves’s star fragments

to seize absolute power and satisfy his greater ambitions.

As time went by,

the Star Children grew up to become apprentice Resistance Army Soldiers.

Now, you must leave Whisp Island and head to Laslan

to develop the power of the stars and free Solisium from the Arkeum Legions.

# The story of <TL> called ‘Sweep and Go Quality’

Q. <TL> feels like the story is emphasized compared to existing NC MMOs. There are two main methods of telling a story in an MMO. There are games that follow the story in a linear structure, while there are games where the story is presented only as a default setting and the rest must be filled in by the user himself. If <World of Warcraft> is the former, existing NC games were closer to the latter. Which one is <TL>?

A. Ahn Jong-ok PD: The story is important, but it is not the core of <TL>. The story of <TL> serves as a guide at the beginning and at the same time, it is a device that helps immersion into the world, which was lacking in the so-called 'Korean MMORPG'.

Han Gu-min, Narrative Director: I'm working on the story in detail to the extent that I feel like it's excessive. Each region creates a specific story. It sets everything from the history of the area to the reason why certain objects are located there. This specific story is eventually reflected in the artwork. Of course, it is also associated with story content, collectibles, and some item names.

Also, individual stories are not fragmented, and the entire worldview of <TL> is involved. When users play, they can feel that they have entered a well-organized world.


In MMOs, the players themselves create the game’s history. However, it is also important to consider the game’s backstory and the connections between the past, present, and future. Players will encounter mythical figures, learn about their stories, and experience the rich heritage of the game world in order to fully immerse themselves in the game.

  • Story is important but not the core of TL
  • Story is delivered early on, but later on players that are not interested can skip it, players that are interested can seek it out
  • They still want to have a well developed story, but make it optional

Throne and Liberty