Throne and Liberty Magical Staff — TL

Throne and Liberty Magical Staff

The Magical Staff will allow players to use elemental magic on their enemies in Throne and Liberty. While we don’t know much about the exact abilities, we have learned that this weapon can be impacted by the environment in a different way to the Bow mentioned above. For example, using a lightning skill in wet conditions can turn the ability from a single-target one into an AOE, potentially resulting in a substantial DPS boost in the right conditions.

Throne and Liberty Magical Staff

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Throne and Liberty Weapon Guide

In Throne and Liberty, your equipped weapons will play a great part at determining your character’s role and specializations, as there are no predefined classes that are chosen in character creation. 

Instead the equivalent of your class in Throne and Liberty is entirely determined by which weapons you have equipped, and you can change these when you want to get access to different abilities. 

You can equip two weapons at a time, and swap between them at will. 

Throne and Liberty