Is Torchlight: Infinite Pay To Win?

Whether Torchlight Infinite is "pay to win" is a complex topic with no easy answer. It depends on your definition of "pay to win" and your preferred playstyle. Here's a breakdown of the arguments for and against it:

Arguments for Pay to Win:

  • Microtransactions: The game offers various microtransactions, including:
    • Pets: Some pets offer stat bonuses, potentially giving an edge in high-end content.
    • Hero Traits: Unlocking additional hero traits through purchases can offer new build options and potentially slight increases in power.
    • Inventory Expansion: While technically not power-related, larger inventory space can be a convenience advantage, especially for players who dislike constant inventory management.
    • Cosmetics: While purely aesthetic, they can sometimes feel like tempting "paywalls" for desirable looks.
  • Time Saving: Certain purchases, like the advanced loot filter, can save time on tasks like managing inventory and identifying desired loot.
  • Perception: Some players feel the abundance of monetization options creates a pay-to-win atmosphere, even if the impact is not overwhelming.

Arguments against Pay to Win:

  • No direct power purchase: You cannot directly buy items that grant significant stat boosts or outright advantages in combat.
  • Free progression: All core gameplay content, including endgame challenges, is achievable without spending money. You can earn all necessary gear and resources through dedicated playtime.
  • Minimal impact of paid options: While some advantages exist, like the aforementioned stat bonuses from pets, they tend to be minor and unlikely to make a significant difference in most gameplay situations, especially for casual or average players.
  • Focus on skill and build: Character optimization, build choices, and player skill remain the most significant factors in success.


Torchlight Infinite arguably leans towards the "pay-to-convenience" side rather than purely pay-to-win. While certain monetization elements offer slight advantages, dedicated free-to-play players can still achieve the full gameplay experience and overcome challenges through skill and consistent effort. However, the abundance of paid options, particularly when compared to similar ARPGs, might evoke a feeling of pay-to-win for some players.

Ultimately, whether Torchlight Infinite crosses the line to "pay to win" depends on your individual standards and expectations. If you're comfortable with a monetization system that offers convenience and some minor power advantages but allows for complete free-to-play progression, you can likely enjoy the game without feeling pressured to spend. However, if you strictly oppose any form of pay-to-win elements, you might find the system and its potential influence on the game world problematic.

I hope this information helps you form your own opinion on the matter.

Is Torchlight: Infinite Pay To Win?

Is Torchlight: Infinite Pay To Win

The Short Answer to this, Not at all. Most of their microtransaction may seem trivial to you and while the pets might give you a slight edge in your end-game status, it isn’t as abysmal as Diablo Immortal’s end game turned out to be. While you can buy hero traits with real money which unlocks a new build path for them, they are relatively affordable and even if you don’t get it this season, it will be unlocked for free in the next season.

Is Torchlight: Infinite Pay To Win

And as for expansion options that cost money, as long you have good inventory management you wouldn’t even run into such a problem. And as for the aspect of revival tokens, there is a solution, just get good.

Is Torchlight: Infinite Pay To Win

Although there is a gacha system where players can pull for unique pets and cosmetics that do not improve character stats and that are purely for visuals, if you’re that sort of person then you will be happy to.

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Torchlight Infinite Guide