Empower Gear Energy Torchlight Infinite

Gear Empowerment: Change the energy value on a gear. The high item level, the more likely a gear receives higher energy.

Go to Maud to Empower gear.

1. Empowering gear changes the stats of gear, and each empowerment generates a random result.

2. Energy is used to unlock skill slots. The more Energy you have, the more skill slots that can be opened.

3. “Energy Cores” are consumed to empower gear. Each piece of gear has a different Energy Core cost.

4. Energy Cores can be obtained by looting or purchased from other players at the Trade House.

Mastering Gear Empowerment in Torchlight Infinite

Gear Empowerment is a crucial system in Torchlight Infinite, allowing you to refine your equipment and reach your full potential. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you master this empowering process:

What is Gear Empowerment?

It's a mechanic that lets you modify an item's Energy value, which essentially impacts its overall power level. Higher Energy typically translates to better stats, stronger affixes, and increased synergy with your build.

Key Mechanics:

  • Energy: Each item has an Energy bar and a range within which its Energy value can fluctuate.
  • Energy Cores: These consumable items provide the energy needed for empowerment.
  • Empowering: Spending cores increases the item's Energy, potentially raising its power level.
  • Randomization: The exact increase is randomized within the item's Energy range, adding an element of excitement and risk.
  • Upper Cap: Once Energy reaches the upper limit of the range, further empowerment is impossible.

Benefits of Gear Empowerment:

  • Boost Power Level: Reach higher Gear Scores and enhance your overall damage, defenses, or other desired stats.
  • Fine-Tune Affixes: Increasing Energy can unlock higher tiers of affixes, potentially aligning them better with your build.
  • Optimize Gear: Get the most out of your favorite items by tailoring their Energy to your specific needs.

Strategies for Effective Empowerment:

  • Target High-Quality Gear: Focus on empowering endgame items with high base Energy stats and desirable affixes.
  • Plan Ahead: Determine your desired Energy level for each item based on your build goals and available resources.
  • Manage Risk: Consider the potential downside of random results before investing heavily in an empowerment attempt.
  • Utilize Resources: Seek high-tier Energy Cores through specific endgame activities and loot drops.
  • Trade or Purchase: Explore the Trade House to find pre-empowered items or purchase specific Energy Cores.

Advanced Tips:

  • Combine with Crafting: Use crafting alongside empowerment to further personalize your gear and achieve optimal power.
  • Consider Synergies: Factor in existing equipment and talent boosts when planning the ideal Energy level for each item.
  • Stay Informed: Refer to online resources and community discussions for updated information on optimal empowerment strategies and high-value affixes.

Remember: Gear Empowerment is a powerful tool, but it can also be resource-intensive. Experiment strategically, manage your resources wisely, and enjoy the satisfying process of crafting your ultimate Torchlight Infinite gear!

Torchlight Infinite Flame Elementium

Gear Empowerment

Helmet: STR Helmet DEX Helmet INT Helmet

Chest Armor: STR Chest Armor DEX Chest Armor INT Chest Armor

Gloves: STR Gloves DEX Gloves INT Gloves

Boots: STR Boots DEX Boots INT Boots

One-Handed: Claw Wand Sacrificial Blade One-Handed Hammer One-Handed Sword One-Handed Axe Pistol Cane Dagger

Two-handed: Two-Handed Sword Two-Handed Hammer Two-Handed Axe Staff Bow Musket Cannon Crossbow Cudgel

Shield: STR Shield DEX Shield INT Shield

Trinket: Belt

One-Handed Gear Empowerment

type1 level Energy Refine
1 1 – 44 0 – 0 Energy Core x1
1 45 – 49 1 – 9 Energy Core x1
1 50 – 54 1 – 12 Energy Core x1
1 55 – 59 1 – 15 Energy Core x2
1 60 – 64 1 – 18 Energy Core x2
1 65 – 69 1 – 21 Energy Core x2
1 70 – 74 1 – 34 Energy Core x4
1 75 – 79 1 – 48 Energy Core x6
1 80 – 84 1 – 61 Energy Core x8
1 85 – 100 1 – 61 Energy Core x10

Two-Handed Hammer Gear Empowerment

type1 level Energy Refine
1 1 – 44 0 – 0 Energy Core x1
1 45 – 49 2 – 18 Energy Core x1
1 50 – 54 2 – 24 Energy Core x1
1 55 – 59 2 – 30 Energy Core x2
1 60 – 64 2 – 36 Energy Core x2
1 65 – 69 2 – 42 Energy Core x2
1 70 – 74 2 – 68 Energy Core x4
1 75 – 79 2 – 96 Energy Core x6
1 80 – 84 2 – 122 Energy Core x8
1 85 – 100 2 – 122 Energy Core x10

Torchlight Infinite Guide