Construction Tender For The Desert Lamp Project Torchlight Infinite

Construction Tender for the Desert Lamp Project – Codex
(Tender) Sincere Friendship Engineering’s Tender for the Desert Lamp Project

Project Name: Lakhouma Desert Lamp Project

Tenderer: Sherlock

1. Letter of Tender:

Now that I’ve become a legal citizen of Ichi through investment, why not let me do even more for my kingdom? According to the regulations in the project tender document, we have studied the project site, tender document, and other relative files and are willing to obey the contract terms, engineering construction standard, and bill of quantities. We request to contract with the above-mentioned construction and completion and be responsible for any quality defects.

If we win this bidding, we promise to complete and deliver the whole project within five years as the Instruction to Tenderer requires.

2. Construction Organization Design:

The Desert Lamp project can reach as far as the Borderlands, and I believe it’s beyond any company’s given scope. To protect ecologists’ fragile feelings and the conservatives’ obsessions toward the mother river, we plan not to plant any lamp posts or cables in the Partatar River area to avoid citizens mistaking our actions for undermining the proof of King Lionheart’s great decisions. After thorough research, we’ll announce that the construction is unable to be carried out because of the complicated underground drainage and quicksand soil of the Partatar River area.

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