Throne and Liberty Stream — TL

you can play Throne and Liberty on mobile devices. Project TL will not directly have a mobile version of the game, but it will provide you with streaming opportunities via the NCPurple app.

The NCPurple app lets you play PC games on mobile devices and vice versa mobile games on a PC. However, because this is a streaming app you need to make sure to have access to fast internet. Otherwise lag will happen. The NCPurple app lets you choose your own resolution. It is recommended to play on a lower resolution if you have bad internet speed.

Playing on a mobile device won’t give you an advantage, but rather the opposite actually because of the smaller screen and wonky buttons. However, streaming Throne and Liberty via the NCPurple app can definitely complete tasks such as crafting or simply farming, where a fast reaction speed isn’t really necessary.

Throne and Liberty Stream

From the get-go, TL was developed to suit both PC and consoles. The UI and UX was crafted to suit each individual device type, and in addition, streaming play is possible on mobile. We want as many people as possible to enjoy TL, so we’re launching it on several devices.

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Localization into 12 languages was announced. In addition to Korean and English, Japanese (jp), Chinese (中文 – 繁體) and Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt) are indirectly confirmed.

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