Undecember Gold Farm

Undecember Gold

Icon Description

It can be dropped from the field or obtained by selling items through NPCs.

A basic currency commonly used for gameplay.

How to get: Drop, Item sale
How to use: Buy NPC shop itemsContent Consuming Goods (Rune Growth, Alchemy, etc.)

Farming Gold

Gold can only be gotten by completing the quests and completing the map to 100% which take a lot of time to get but it would run out quickly as well because the equipment is expensive as well. In order to get a decent amount of gold, you need to play with other people at your party and queue up for Spire of Barrier. The Spire of Barrier is a wave challenge in which you have to defend against the monster waves.

There are four difficulties for the Spire of Barrier and each difficulty rewards you with a different amount of gold. If you play on Easy difficulty, you’ll have to clear 20 waves of monsters and you’ll get 18,000 Gold and 125 Gemstones. The Medium difficulty will reward you with 46,000 Gold and 250 Gemstones in total. The Hard Difficulty will reward you with 160,000 Gold and 500 Gemstones. The last difficulty is the Chaos difficulty, you’ll get 480,000 Gold with 3,000 Gemstones in total but you’ll have to survive 70 waves of monsters.

It is best for you to squad up with the players that regularly play the spire of barrier challenge as this challenge can be done on daily basis. You can compete in this challenge every day and get rewards according to your survival of waves in the difficulty you’ve chosen.

How To Earn Gold in UNDECEMBER – Spire of Barrier

As mentioned there’s only one place called Spire of Barrier where you can earn gold and gems. You can play Spire of barrier with a party or play it alone without matching.

  • Take a look at UNDECEMBER Characters

There you have Easy, Normal, Hard, and Choas Mode. With each difficulty level, you will get more gold and gems. At Spire of Barrier, you have to survive the waves of the monster.

For instance, if you are playing Easy Mode then you need to clear 20 waves, and in Chaos Mode clear 70 waves.

The number of gold you earn at each difficulty level after successful completion:

  1. Easy Mode 18000 Gold and 125 Gemstones
  2. Normal Mode 46000 and 250 Gemstones
  3. Hard Mode 160,000 Gold and 500 Gemstones
  4. Chaos Mode 480,000 Gold and 3,000 Gemstones

Tips to Earn Mode Gold

  • Always squad up with players to complete monster waves.
  • When the match starts try to stay in the tower.
  • Take enhance buff
  • Don’t stay in the foggy area for too long or it will kill you.
  • You can play Barrier of the spire with the chosen difficulty for 24 hours.

Once the match is over go to the recruitment Board to get your reward. Remember you need this gold to level up runes so don’t waste it.

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