Cannot Change Speed Rune - Undecember


Fire Blow

Slams the ground to deal Fire DMG and create a Fire Pillar.

Tag: Attack Melee Area of Effect Strike Fire Projectile Cannot use Parallel Shot Cannot Split Cannot Change Speed

Mana cost 5. Triggers Immediately.

Poison Orb

Throws a poison orb that bounces forward and deals Poison DMG to enemy.

Tag: Spell Area of Effect Strike Poison Projectile Cannot Split Cannot Change Speed

Mana cost 5. Triggers Immediately.

Cold Outburst

Launches nultiple Ice Spikes forward. Deals damage beyond the target with Ice Shards.

Tag: Spell Area of Effect Strike Cold Projectile Cannot Multishot Cannot Split Cannot Chain Cannot Change Speed

Mana cost 30. Cooldown 9 s.

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