DoT Rune - Undecember


Wheel Slash

Slash the surroundings to deal Dot to the target.

Tag: Attack Melee Weapon Range DoT Physical

Mana cost 5. Triggers Immediately.


Deals fire damage, increasing range and amplifying damage for each Channeling stage. Causes Fire Explosion upon canceling Channeling.

Tag: Spell Melee Area of Effect Channel DoT Fire

Mana cost 7. Triggers Immediately.

Toxic Flame

Fires a piercing toxic flame that deals Poison DoT. Is not affected by Projectile DMG.

Tag: Spell DoT Poison Projectile Cannot Split Cannot Chain

Mana cost 8. Triggers Immediately.

Poison Area

Temporarily forms a poisonius area to deal Poison DMG to enemies.

Tag: Spell DoT Poison

Mana cost 25. Cooldown 15 s.


Can be linked with DMG Skills

Applies to Minions when linked to Summon Skill.

Tag: Strike DoT

Increases Resource Cost 20%.

Center of Gravity

Can be linked with DMG Skills

Cannot be linked with Channeling, Totem, Sentry, Minion, Movement Skills.

Tag: Strike DoT

Increases Resource Cost 20%.

Attack DMG Increase

Can be linked with Attack DMG Skills

Applies to Minions when linked to Summon Skill.

Tag: Strike DoT Attack

Increases Resource Cost 15%.

Preemptive Strike

Can be linked with DMG Skills

Applies to Minions when linked to Summon Skill.

Tag: Strike DoT

Increases Resource Cost 20%.

Slaughter chariot

May be linked with over time skill.

Cannot be linked to minion crossbow skill.

Tag: Strike DoT

Increases Resource Cost 20%.

Elite Slayer

Can be linked with DMG skills

Applies to Minions when linked to Summon Skill.

Tag: Strike DoT

Increases Resource Cost 20%.

Deadly Poison

Can be linked with Poison DMG Skills

Applies to Minions when linked to Summon Skill.

Tag: Strike DoT Poison

Increases Resource Cost 20%.


Can be linked with DMG Skills

Applies to Minions when linked to Summon Skill.

Tag: Strike DoT

Increases Resource Cost 15%.

Enhance DoT

Can be linked with DMG Skills.

Tag: Strike DoT

Increases Resource Cost 20%.

Spell DMG Increase

Can be linked with Spell DMG Skills

Applies to Minions when linked to Summon Skill.

Tag: Strike DoT Spell

Increases Resource Cost 15%.

Mana Storm

Can be linked with DMG Skills.

Applies to Minions when linked to Summon Skill.

Tag: Strike DoT

Increases Resource Cost 30%.

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List of Undecember Runes by Tag