Attack Enhance Rune - Undecember


Fighter's Wrath

Amplifies Melee DMG and increases Attack Speed during skill duration.

Tag: Spell Attack Enhance Duration

Mana Cost 20.8. Cooldown 25 s.

Vital Strike

Increases Critical Rate and Critical DMG during skill duration.

Tag: Spell Attack Enhance Duration

Mana Cost 16.8. Cooldown 15 s.


Increases Projectile DMG and Pierce Count during skill duration.

Tag: Spell Attack Enhance Duration

Mana Cost 20.8. Cooldown 15 s.

Attack Impulse

Temporarily increases Attack Speed and Physical DMG based on the user's Dexterity upon use.

Tag: Spell Attack Enhance Duration

Mana Cost 20. Cooldown 20 s.

Sentry Expert

Changes Sentry Stats according to the situation.

Tag: Spell Defense Enhance Attack Enhance Toggle

Resource Cost 15% Amplification. Cooldown 10 s.

Enchanted Crossbow

When focusing, increases the attack speed of nearby Crossbows in proportion to the number of stacks.

Tag: Spell Channel Attack Enhance

Mana Cost 10. Triggers Immediately.

Unite Crowd (Enrage)

Changes your Minion's active stance every time this skill is used.

Tag: Spell Attack Enhance Defense Enhance Toggle

Resource Cost 15% Amplification. Cooldown 5 s.

Mark of Focus

Marks an enemy for a period of time. The marked enemy becomes the target of minion attacks and receives increased damage from Minions.

Tag: Spell Attack Enhance Duration

Mana cost 15. Cooldown 10 s.

Release Element

Amplifies Element DMG and inreases Cast Speed during skill duration.

Tag: Spell Attack Enhance Duration

Mana cost 25. Cooldown 20 s.

Intensify Pain

Increases DoT Rate? Duration? and DMG during skill duration.

Tag: Spell Attack Enhance Duration

Mana cost 25. Cooldown 15 s.

Energy absorption

Consumes energy to increase elemental damage.

Tag: Spell Attack Enhance Duration

Mana cost 25. Cooldown 20 s.

Buff Activation when Hit

Can link the Activating Shout, Attack Enhance, Defense Enhance Skill in the arrow's direction

Activating Skill cannot be linked with Channeling, Totem, Sentry, Minion, Movement, Toggle Skills and must be registered in a slot to activate.

Tag: Shout Attack Enhance Defense Enhance

Increases Resource Cost 15%.

Activate Buff upon Crowd Control

Can be linked with Shout, Attack Enhance, Defense Enhance Skills

Target Skills cannot be linked with Channeling, Totem, Sentry, Minion, Movement Skills and must be registered in a slot to be activated.

Tag: Shout Attack Enhance Defense Enhance

Increases Resource Cost 15%.

Effect Enhancement

Can be linked with Enhance and Shout Skills.

Tag: Shout Attack Enhance Defense Enhance

Increases Resource Cost 20%.


Can be linked with attack enhancement skills

Cannot be linked with Totem, Sentry, Minion, Movement, Toggle or Shout Skills

Activation effects with the same name cannot be duplicated.

Tag: Attack Enhance

Increases Resource Cost 15%.


Can be linked with Attack Enhance Skills.

Cannot be linked with Totem, Sentry, Minion, Movement, Toggle or Shout Skills

Activation effects with the same name cannot be duplicated.

Tag: Attack Enhance

Increases Resource Cost 15%.

Activate Totem When Using Enhancement Skills

Depending on the direction of the arrow, you can connect the triggerable (enhanced) and the triggering target (totem) skills at the same time.

Skills other than totem cannot be linked to the skill to be activated, and must be registered in the slot to activate.

Tag: Attack Enhance Defense Enhance

Increases Resource Cost 15%.

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List of Undecember Runes by Tag