Fire Rune - Undecember


Explosive Slash

Applies Debuff effect on hit. Killing a Debuffed enemy causes an explosion that deals damage to nearby enemies.

Tag: Attack Melee Area of Effect Weapon Range Strike Fire

Mana Cost 5. Triggers Immediately.

Fire Blow

Slams the ground to deal Fire DMG and create a Fire Pillar.

Tag: Attack Melee Area of Effect Strike Fire Projectile Cannot use Parallel Shot Cannot Split Cannot Change Speed

Mana cost 5. Triggers Immediately.

Fire Storm

Spin in place to create a Fire Storm. Chance to cause a new Fire Storm upon killing a Burning enemy.

Tag: Attack Melee Area of Effect Strike Fire

Mana Cost 6. Triggers Immediately.

Explosive Arrow

Fires an exploding arrow to deal damage to the enemy. Killing an enemy with an attached arrow inflicts additional explosion damage.

Tag: Attack Area of Effect Strike Fire Projectile Bow Cannot Chain

Mana Cost 10. Cooldown 11 s.

Burn Arrow

Shoots a Fire arrow that causes Burn and inflicts damage on the enemy.

Tag: Attack Strike Fire Projectile Bow Cannot Split

Mana Cost 4. Triggers Immediately.

Scorching Arrow

Fires a burning arrow. Gains Maintan Position effect on hit and fires an additional arrow based on the number of stacks.

Tag: Attack Strike Fire Projectile Bow Cannot Multishot Cannot Split Cannot Chain

Mana cost 4. Triggers Immediately.

Flame Fissure Trap

Installs a Trap that explodes to deal Fire damage upon detecting an enemy.

Tag: Attack Area of Effect Trap Strike Fire

Mana cost 5. Triggers Immediately.

Fireball Trap

Set up a trap that fires a randomly exploding sphere of fire upon detection of an enemy, dealing Fire damage.

Tag: Attack Area of Effect Trap Strike Fire Projectile Cannot use Parallel Shot Cannot Split

Mana cost 5. Triggers Immediately.

Fire Ball

Fires a fire ball that explodes on hit to deal fire damage.

Tag: Spell Area of Effect Strike Fire Projectile

Mana cost 5. Triggers Immediately.


Deals fire damage, increasing range and amplifying damage for each Channeling stage. Causes Fire Explosion upon canceling Channeling.

Tag: Spell Melee Area of Effect Channel DoT Fire

Mana cost 7. Triggers Immediately.


Drops a huge meteorite in front, dealing damage to enemies within range.

Tag: Spell Area of Effect Strike Fire Projectile Cannot Multishot Cannot Split Cannot Chain

Mana cost 25. Cooldown 10 s.

Fire torrent

Channels to temporarily summon a Fire Torrent. Flames periodically spew out from the torrent to track down enemies. Attacks grow faster with longer channeling.

Tag: Spell Channel Strike Fire Projectile Cannot use Parallel Shot Cannot Split Cannot Chain

Mana cost 6. Triggers Immediately.

Sacred Light

Deals DMG with the highest Element while Channeling. DMG penetrates Element Resist at maximum Enhance Effect stacks.

Tag: Spell Melee Area of Effect Channel Strike Cold Poison Lightning Fire

Mana cost 5. Triggers Immediately.

Judgment of Light

Deals damage to the target with the highest elemental attribute. Increases damage on hit and increases mana cost. Buffs are reset when using other skills.

Tag: Spell Area of Effect Strike Cold Poison Lightning Fire

Mana cost 5. Triggers Immediately.

Additional fire damage

Can be linked with Fire DMG Skills

Applies to Minions when linked to Summon Skill.

Tag: Fire

Increases Resource Cost 20%.


Can be linked with Fire Strike Skills

Applies to Minions when linked to Summon Skill.

Tag: Fire Strike

Increases Resource Cost 15%.

Blazing flame

Can be linked with Fire Strike Skills

Applies to Minions when linked to Summon Skill.

Tag: Fire Strike

Increases Resource Cost 20%.

Fire Penetration

Can be linked with Fire DMG Skills

Applies to Minions when linked to Summon Skill.

Tag: Fire

Increases Resource Cost 15%.

Ignition Explosion

Can be linked with Fire Strike DMG Skills

Applies to Minions when linked to Summon Skill.

Tag: Strike Fire

Increases Resource Cost 15%.

Element DMG Amplification

Can be linked with Element DMG Skills

Applies to Minions when linked to Summon Skill.

Tag: Fire Cold Lightning Poison

Increases Resource Cost 20%.

Element ruler

Can be linked with Elemental Damage Skills.

Applies to Minions when linked to Summon Skill.

Tag: Fire Cold Lightning Poison

Increases Resource Cost 15%.

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List of Undecember Runes by Tag