Domain of Timeless Conflict Encounter

Defeat Legion Generals in the Domain of Timeless Conflict

Face Off Atlas Passive Tree

Count Name Category Description
1 Face Off Notable
  • Legion Encounters in your Maps are 60% more likely to include a General
  • Legion Encounters with a General in your Maps have both Generals

  • Reminder Text:

  • (Legion Generals are Queen Hyrri Ngamaku, General Marceus Lioneye, Cardinal Sanctus Vox, Viper Napuatzi and Aukuna, the Black Sekhema)

Complete Domain of Timeless Conflict

The Domain of Timeless Conflict is only accessible by using Emblems in a map device. To open the area, you must use at least two different emblems with no duplicates. The number of the emblems used affects the area level of this map.

Timeless Emblem Unrelenting Timeless Emblem
  • Unrelenting Timeless Karui Emblem Unrelenting Timeless Karui Emblem
  • Unrelenting Timeless Maraketh Emblem Unrelenting Timeless Maraketh Emblem
  • Unrelenting Timeless Eternal Emblem Unrelenting Timeless Eternal Emblem
  • Unrelenting Timeless Templar Emblem Unrelenting Timeless Templar Emblem
  • Unrelenting Timeless Vaal Emblem Unrelenting Timeless Vaal Emblem

Completing the Domain of Timeless Conflict with four factions unlocks a fifth slot for the map device.

Defeat Factions in the Domain of Timeless Conflict

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Domain of Timeless Conflict Mechanics

The zone contains a crater with a monolith in the center. Standing near it will spawn all enemies and start a timer. When all generals are killed, you can return to the monolith to respawn half the killed enemies again. You can do this until the timer runs out. All items will drop after the timer runs out near the monolith. Item drop rate decays as more enemies are killed.

Five Factions

Boons of the Atlas III challenge: Defeat Factions in the Domain of Timeless Conflict. League mechanics: Legion.

Factions Damage Resistances Modifiers
Viper Napuatzi Physical Damage
Chaos Damage
Resists Elemental Damage
Resists Chaos Damage
Cannot be Knocked Back
General Marceus Lioneye Physical Damage
Fire Damage
Resists Elemental Damage
Resists Chaos Damage
Cannot be Knocked Back
Queen Hyrri Ngamaku Physical Damage
Cold Damage
Resists Elemental Damage
Resists Chaos Damage
Cannot be Knocked Back
Cardinal Sanctus Vox Physical Damage
Lightning Damage
Resists Elemental Damage
Resists Chaos Damage
Cannot be Knocked Back
Aukuna, the Black Sekhema Physical Damage
Lightning Damage
Resists Elemental Damage
Resists Chaos Damage
Cannot be Knocked Back

Legion Reflections

  • T1: Reflection of Legion(Search): (Difficulty scales quantity of Splinters found from Legion Encounters [+15%])
    • Contains an additional Legion Encounter
  • T2: Reflection of Stasis(Search): (Difficulty scales quantity of Splinters found from Legion Encounters [+15%])
    • Contains an additional Legion Encounter; Legion Encounters contain 5 additional Sergeants; Legion Sergeants have 40% additional chance to have Rewards
  • T3: Reflection of the Monolith(Search): (Difficulty scales quantity of Splinters found from Legion Encounters [+15%])
    • Contains an additional Legion Encounter; Each Legion is accompanied by a General; Each Legion contains a War Hoard

Legion Scarab

Scarabs are a type of map fragment. They do not open portals to new areas, but are instead used to augment existing areas with various effects.

Item Legion Encounters Stats
Gilded Legion Scarab Gilded Legion Scarab Area contains an additional Legion Encounter
Each Legion contains a War Hoard
Each Legion is accompanied by a General
Polished Legion Scarab Polished Legion Scarab Area contains an additional Legion Encounter
Each Legion contains a War Hoard
Rusted Legion Scarab Rusted Legion Scarab Area contains an additional Legion Encounter
Winged Legion Scarab Winged Legion Scarab Area contains 2 additional Legion Encounters
Each Legion contains a War Hoard
Each Legion is accompanied by a General

Kirac Map Mods

Kirac's map device options are now unlocked as you complete bonus objectives on your Atlas.

Name Kirac’s league modifiers Cost
Legion Area contains an additional Legion Encounter. 6x Chaos Orb Chaos Orb

Legion Atlas Passive Tree

Count Name Category Description
5 Legion Duplicate Splinter Chance Normal
  • Splinters dropped by Legion Monsters or contained in Legion Chests in your Maps have 4% chance to be Duplicated
1 Monumental Notable
  • Your Maps have +4% chance to contain a Legion Encounter

Legion Atlas Passive Tree

Count Name Category Description
4 Legion Monolith Chance Normal
  • Your Maps have +1% chance to contain a Legion Encounter
1 Vaal Legion Chance Normal
  • Your Maps have +1% chance to contain a Legion Encounter
  • Legion Encounters in your Maps have 80% increased chance to include a Vaal army
1 Emblematic Notable
  • 0.6% chance for Timeless Splinters to drop as Timeless Emblems instead in your Maps
1 Face Off Notable
  • Legion Encounters in your Maps are 60% more likely to include a General
  • Legion Encounters with a General in your Maps have both Generals

  • Reminder Text:

  • (Legion Generals are Queen Hyrri Ngamaku, General Marceus Lioneye, Cardinal Sanctus Vox, Viper Napuatzi and Aukuna, the Black Sekhema)
1 War Supplies Notable
  • Each Legion in your Maps contains an additional War Hoard

Legion Atlas Passive Tree

Count Name Category Description
2 Legion Duration Normal
  • Legion Encounters in your Maps have 10% increased Duration
1 Chain of Command Notable
  • Legion Encounters in your Maps contain 2 additional Sergeants
  • Legion Sergeants in your Maps have 20% additional chance to have Rewards
1 Protracted Battle Notable
  • Legion Encounters in your Maps have 40% increased Duration
  • Legion Monsters in your Maps take 50% increased Damage while in Stasis

  • Reminder Text:

  • (Monsters in Stasis do not take any actions)

List of Timeless Emblem

Emblems are map fragments obtained by combining 100 Legion Splinters.

Emblems are used to open a portal to the Domain of Timeless Conflict. Players will need to use at least two unique Emblems to open the portal.

Item Drop
Effect Obtain
Timeless Eternal Emblem Timeless Eternal Emblem 75 20% increased Experience gain
10% more Monster Life
combining 100 Timeless Eternal Empire Splinters.
Timeless Karui Emblem Timeless Karui Emblem 75 20% increased Experience gain
10% more Monster Life
combining 100 Timeless Karui Splinters.
Timeless Maraketh Emblem Timeless Maraketh Emblem 75 20% increased Experience gain
10% more Monster Life
combining 100 Timeless Maraketh Splinters
Timeless Templar Emblem Timeless Templar Emblem 75 20% increased Experience gain
10% more Monster Life
combining 100 Timeless Templar Splinters
Timeless Vaal Emblem Timeless Vaal Emblem 75 20% increased Experience gain
10% more Monster Life
combining 100 Timeless Vaal Splinters

There are a total of five different legions. The Vaal, Eternal Empire, and Karui are the most common, the Templar Legion being rarer, and the Maraketh Legion being the rarest.

Legion enemies can drop Splinters of their Legion. 100 Splinters of the same type can be combined into an Emblem.

How to use Timeless Eternal Emblem

Emblems are map fragments in the Legion leagues. There are five types of Emblem: Timeless Eternal Emblem Timeless Eternal Emblem, Timeless Karui Emblem Timeless Karui Emblem, Timeless Maraketh Emblem Timeless Maraketh Emblem, Timeless Templar Emblem Timeless Templar Emblem, and Timeless Vaal Emblem Timeless Vaal Emblem.

They can be put into a map device in order to open a portal to the Domain of Timeless Conflict. You must use at least two Emblems of unique Legions to open a portal to the Domain. Up to 5 of these Emblems can be used.

Timeless Eternal Emblem Timeless Eternal Emblem is a map fragment obtained by combining 100 Timeless Eternal Empire Splinters. It can be used in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device.

  • 100x Timeless Eternal Empire Splinter Timeless Eternal Empire Splinter = 1x Timeless Eternal Emblem Timeless Eternal Emblem
Legion Formation Splinters/Emblems(Price) Unique Items Drops(Price) Boss(Map)
Eternal Empire Orderly General Marceus Lioneye(Location: Domain of Timeless Conflict)

General Marceus Lioneye

General Marceus Lioneye
He is the general boss of the Eternal Empire legion.
Location(s) Domain of Timeless Conflict
Damage Physical Damage
Fire Damage
Resistance(s) Resists Elemental Damage
Resists Chaos Damage
Modifier(s) Cannot be Knocked Back

General Marceus Lioneye Lore

Marceus Lioneye was a general of the Eternal Empire, and the leader of the Gemling Legion. A proud but skilled archer, he was best recognized for the virtue gem embedded in one of his eyes. During the Purity Rebellion, Lioneye was tasked with driving away Kaom’s invading forces. His forces were at a great advantage, as the Karui warrior tradition forbade men from fighting with projectile weapons. However, Kaom realized that the tradition didn’t apply to women, and so ordered his niece Hyrri to ambush Lioneye’s forces with her band of female Karui archers as they left their fortifications to rout Kaom. Following his last stand and defeat at Lioneye’s Watch, Kaom honored Lioneye’s efforts by wearing his severed head on his belt.

Domain of Timeless Conflict(Map)

It is only accessible by using Emblems in a map device. Area Level: 68. To open the area, you must use at least two different emblems with no duplicates.

The zone contains a crater with a monolith in the center. Standing near it will spawn all enemies and start a timer. When all generals are killed, you can return to the monolith to respawn half the killed enemies again. You can continue this until the timer runs out. All items will drop after the timer runs out near the monolith.

Completing the Domain of Timeless Conflict with four factions unlocks a fifth slot for the map device.

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