The Wolf’s Legacy Divination Card PoE – Farming Vaults of Atziri

The Wolf’s Legacy The Wolf’s Legacy is a divination card. A set of four can be exchanged for Vaults of Atziri Vaults of Atziri.

Outcome Amount Divination Card Drop Location
Vaults of Atziri Vaults of Atziri 4 The Wolf’s Legacy The Wolf’s Legacy random

How to get The Wolf’s Legacy

1. Farming in the game

The drop rate and drop location are random.

2. Buy it from other players

The price of The Wolf’s Legacy The Wolf’s Legacy is about 1 Chaos Orb Chaos Orb.

3. Stacked Deck: random divination card

A Stacked Deck Stacked Deck is a currency item that can be used to gain one random divination card.

4. The Gambler: random divination card

The Gambler The Gambler is a divination card. A set of five can be exchanged for a random divination card.

The Wolf's Legacy

Price: ~ 1 Chaos Orb Chaos Orb

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  • PoE 2 Currency (6% off coupon: z123). Path of Exile item and currency. Payment: PayPal, Skrill, Cryptocurrencies.

Vaults of Atziri

Vaults of Atziri Vaults of Atziri is a Vaal Pyramid Map. Atlas Region: Haewark Hamlet.

Item Price
Vaults of Atziri Vaults of Atziri 4x Chaos Orb Chaos Orb

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