The Wilted Rose Divination Card PoE – Farming Level 21 Aura Gem

The Wilted Rose The Wilted Rose is a divination card. A set of seven can be exchanged for a random corrupted level 21 aura skill gem.

Outcome Amount Divination Card Drop Location
a random Level 21 Aura Gem(Corrupted) 7 The Wilted Rose The Wilted Rose Acton’s Nightmare Acton’s Nightmare

How to get The Wilted Rose

1. Farming in the game

  • Drop Location: Acton’s Nightmare Acton’s Nightmare Map. Atlas Region: Valdo’s Rest.

The drop rate is random.

2. Buy it from other players

The price of The Wilted Rose The Wilted Rose is about 1 Chaos Orb Chaos Orb.

3. Stacked Deck: random divination card

A Stacked Deck Stacked Deck is a currency item that can be used to gain one random divination card.

4. The Gambler: random divination card

The Gambler The Gambler is a divination card. A set of five can be exchanged for a random divination card.

The Wilted Rose

Price: ~ 1 Chaos Orb Chaos Orb

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  • PoE 2 Currency (6% off coupon: z123). Path of Exile item and currency. Payment: PayPal, Skrill, Cryptocurrencies.

List of Aura skill gems

Regular auras come from aura skill gems and reserve a percentage of the player’s mana pool, with the exception of Clarity Clarity and Precision Precision, which reserve a flat amount.

Skill gem Description
Anger Anger Casts an aura that adds fire damage to the attacks and spells of you and your allies.
Clarity Clarity Casts an aura that grants mana regeneration to you and your allies.
Determination Determination Casts an aura that grants armour to you and your allies.
Discipline Discipline Casts an aura that grants additional energy shield and increased energy shield recharge rate to you and your allies.
Flesh and Stone Flesh and Stone Casts an aura that affects you and nearby enemies differently depending on your stance. Using the skill again alternates between Blood Stance and Sand Stance.
Grace Grace Casts an aura that grants evasion to you and your allies.
Haste Haste Casts an aura that increases the movement speed, attack speed and cast speed of you and your allies.
Hatred Hatred Casts an aura that grants extra cold damage based on physical damage to you and your allies.
Malevolence Malevolence Casts an aura that multiplies damage over time and increases skill effect duration of you and your allies.
Precision Precision Casts an aura that grants accuracy and critical strike chance to you and your allies.
Pride Casts an aura that causes nearby enemies to take more physical damage.
Purity of Elements Purity of Elements Casts an aura that grants elemental resistances to you and your allies.
Purity of Fire Purity of Fire Casts an aura that grants fire resistance to you and your allies.
Purity of Ice Purity of Ice Casts an aura that grants cold resistance to you and your allies.
Purity of Lightning Purity of Lightning Casts an aura that grants lightning resistance to you and your allies.
Vitality Vitality Casts an aura that grants life regeneration to you and your allies.
Wrath Wrath Casts an aura that adds lightning damage to the attacks of you and your allies, and makes your spells deal more lightning damage.
Zealotry Zealotry Casts an aura that grants bonuses to damage and critical strike chance of spells to you and your allies, and gives a chance to create Consecrated Ground against stronger enemies.

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