Buy Fallout 76 Caps PS4 Online Cheap, Bottle Caps

Fallout 76 Caps for sale on U4GM. In Fallout 76, we still use bottle caps, and they are taken as the standard currency in the post-apocalypse world. You can use these bottle caps to buy ammo and good legendary armor.

Best place to buy Fallout 76 Caps

U4GM is safe and reliable, and I’d like to list one of the advantages:

Delivery should be fast, you don’t have much time on this game, so U4GM hope to get Caps as soon as possible. Therefore, this will be one of the most important criteria in addition to security issues.

You can compare the home pages of all third-party sites. New sites only play new games, but some of them also play old games, which were even released five years ago. As a result, they are more trustworthy.

Compare prices. Different servers have different values. Hot servers are expensive, while other servers are cheap.

Considering all the above factors, I think U4GM is the most suitable website for me. You can try it yourself.

Fallout 76 Bottle Caps Farming Guide

Fallout 76 OP Caps Farming Guide 8,000/hr

How to get fallout 76 caps quickly?

There is no good way to do this quickly, or at least I don’t know, I have a slow but reliable way.

First, set the camp as close to whitesprings as possible, but outside the explosion area if someone impacts it. The mine is by the lake in the middle of the golf course. Grow the necessary crops for cooking farm starch (never too much binder), namely corn, mutfarit and Tatos. Using a water purifier in your camp, you can produce more adhesives every day.

Now adhesive is not for me to make coins . It’s a good thing to have a lot of things.

The place where the coins comes is Baiquan.

I’m talking about hangers, golf T-shirts, pencils, flower arranging vases. Literally, you get everything from the environment. Sweep Sweep every room, every hall.

Now go to the shop with all the desks and discard all the crap. You will get a lot of resources, not rare resources, but rich resources.

Now, use the tinker workbench to package it as much as possible. This is where a lot of your efforts will come in handy. If you really look like it, whitespring has a lot of plastic around it.

Now you have a bunch of packaged resources. Some of them are useful for you to hide what you think may be needed for camp or gear construction / repair / upgrade.

Now go to a robot vendor in white springs. Last time I checked that they all have a universal bottle cap pool, so it doesn’t matter which one, and then sell the packaging resources you don’t want to keep. (cork is a good one. There are many corks in whitespring, but they are only useful on the edge.)

If you are selling more than the vendor ‘s ceiling, then if you have unlocked the enclave vendor , please sell whatever you have left.

Now, your mileage may depend heavily on the benefits the program can bring to you, but it can be repeated. You can jump the server to another copy of whitespring, and then discard all that crap again.

To get an extra cap, remember to equip charisma perk “hard bargain” as much as possible before selling.

You can also equip Luke perk with “can do!” Opportunities to find organic food in trash cans all over whitesprings. This can lead to excess food, which you can also sell to the seller’s hat.

As far as I know, it’s not a quick get rich plan you want to make, but it can prove very profitable through hard work. I hope I can help you.

Efficient ways to make caps fast in fallout 76?

I just get a literal heaping pile of junk and sell it to a vendor or do some events. Get ahold of a hazmat suit and head into Whitesprings when it’s nuked. Pick whatever plants you can find.

I can’t remember what perk it is but something under Charisma helps with vendor prices. Max that out and you’ll get like 12 caps per flux. Get Green Thumb under Perception and you get 2 flux per bush. You’ll pick up plenty in no time, and 16 flux will net you 192 caps, which is most of a vendor’s cap pool right there. I have a couple of other perks that reduce consumable weight and slow decay, so I can spend days just selling flux.

Earn Caps in Fallout without buying

  • My normal way of getting the daily 1400 caps is to find Uranium Fever. I pick up everything that drops from the event and from the normal mole miners. After scrapping materials, I’m overencumbered with weapons and mats. I hoof it down to the WS Station and sell everything with level 3 of the hard bargain and grape mentats. That’s usually close to 1,000 caps.
  • Go to fort defiance and pick up all of the straight jackets — they sell for like 50 caps to vendors with hard bargain x3 and there’s a lot of them in there! Plus you can get a bunch of junk and sometimes legendaries in there from ghouls/wendigos.
  • Vendor bots have 1400 cap where you can sell all excess junk and gear you don’t need and their cap “stash” refresh every 20 hours. The second very fast way to gain caps is to trade with other players and sell valuable junk and gear you have.
  • Go to the space station unlock the door with the keypad and there is a spacesuit that is 60 caps and a helmet for 30.
  • For something a bit easier, particularly for lower-level players: With green thumb, it’s pretty easy to collect nearly 50 bloodleaf plants in the river around Flatwoods and northwards. Add 50 soot flowers and a whole lot of boiled water and there’s a bunch of healing salves to sell. Add chemist perk and superduper and that’s a big bunch of stuff to sell. With max hard bargain and grape mentats and mountain honey, they sell for 4 or 5 each which adds up pretty quick.

Do you still buy fallout 76 caps? Try the following method:

Making an adhesive farm might be useful to you — just have corn, tato mutfruit and purified water and you’re set to make vegetable starch which can be broken down into adhesive. Having the perks Green Thumb and SuperDuper will help too (Green Thumb letting you get 2 fruit/veggies from each plant and Super Duper, rank 3, gives you a 30% chance when crafting anything to get double results) so you get more bang for buck and might have a little extra to sell later on or just keep it for yourself. Bulk Adhesive sells for 20 caps with Hard Bargain rank 3 on.

You can make 1400 a day taking a tour of the vendors and wiping out locations near the vendors to get stuff to sell. In the process, you often pick up another 200 caps from loot and spend about 45 caps fast traveling.

every-time there’s a nuke, grab flux. you can max out vendors by just grabbing tons of raw flux (For some reason raw is worth more than stable) Pair that with the Green thumb and Hard bargain perks maxed out and you got easy caps!

No more fast traveling. And lately, I have been selling straight jackets that I can find in Watauga. Ohh also I stopped buying crafting matterial, ballistic fiber was killing me. So basically don’t spend any caps.

Selling stuff to people I won’t be using — there is a lot of it. And selling stuff to vendors for ~1400 a day (I’ve got Halloween Skeleton plan learned which gives me 55 caps from the vendor with maxed Hard Bargain Perk, while costing only a few clothes and plastic to craft). Currently almost maxed on caps on 2 characters…

You will likely want gun fu for this method though it is not required. Simple server hops until you find a server that is running slow and occasionally saying server not responding. Once you find this server looks for a group of 2–4 players in a location that is in a valid camp location. Fast travel to them and if they are duping go ahead and push the one dropping items out of the way and steal their dupes. They will all shoot you and you’ll then be able to kill all players involved. Generally, I get about 3k-5k caps per duping party crashed. While I strongly ask that you drop any duped items you picked up but obviously that isn’t required.

Fallout 76 Caps 101: No worried about buy Caps

Caps 101. Have a hard bargain perk. Raise your charisma as high as possible, using stats, chems, unyielding armor, whatever makes sense.

After that, you’ve got a few path options. Need them in a hurry? Go clear west-tek and collect all the guns. Those can go for 30+ caps a pop, I often find myself with 600+caps after selling just the guns, hammers, and grenades after a clear. Two or three clears and you’re there.

Another good option is to toss the chem scrounger perk from luck on and go through hotels, hospitals and the like, areas with a lot of medicine cabinets and doctors’ bags and scrounge. This combined with chems I get form farming ghouls tends to result in a hefty payout of easy to carry chems piling up in my inventory when I want a quick pile of cash. I always run with the chem carry weight reduction perk, so I can have hundreds of stems, med-x, radaway, rad-x, and various aid chems and not even notice.

Get the cap scrounger perk and look up a map of cap stashes for a quick boost to your daily haul along the way. Just in whitesprings there are…three? Four? Which can net you a couple hundred easy.

And it’s worth noting that while selling chems to vendors can net you quick cash, if you’re in a bit less of a hurry, players will buy most aid chems for 2–3 times what you can get for it at a vendor.

Also worth listing? Dog food at about 8 caps a pop. sells like hotcakes.

What are some easy ways to make quick caps?

Well I don’t know what just happened… I had a huge tutorial written and then I looked away from the screen for a moment… when I look back, all my text is gone and I’m logged out 🙁 *sigh*

So here goes again…. :(Before getting started:
Collect a bunch of “Grape Mentats” since it gives +5 Charisma and better vendor prices (Charisma is what impacts vendor pricing). Having that perk card itself is helpful but at lower levels I wouldn’t focus much on it. Free up like 100lbs or more of Stash space, wear stuff with Deep Pocketed mod, and have some cooked food that gives a bonus to carry weight (usually +20), like Radstag and Brahmin based foods.

Hitting up the Vendor Bots:
Start at Harper’s Ferry (Free States vendor), go to Top of the World’s train station (Raider vendor), over to Whitesprings train station (Whitesprings vendor), then over to Watoga train station (Responders vendor) where you can go north after to hit the Brotherhood of Steel vendor. (Note: I’ve left out the one other vendor since they aren’t high enough level and I didn’t want to mention ‘who’ it was to avoid any spoiler heh). The reason to start with Harper’s is because there is no Stash to easily access, so you’ll be selling what’s on you first, which at the next stops can pull items from your Stash to sell

Focus on:
+ Automatic Weapons (Assault Rifle, Combat Rifle, Combat Shotgun) with scopes and long barrels, ignoring “Short” variants, but heavily modified non-automatics of each are also good! Also Automatic or Sniper barrel Laser Rifles, ignoring Pistols. A good rule of thumb is only keep weapons with a value of no less than 100 caps. Ideally >130, and a lot of those highly modified rifles/shotguns will be above that. (The exception will be the laser rifles as they oddly have a sub-100 value but somehow still net you roughly the same when sold.) If you have the perk card to lower the weight on Shotguns, you can then focus on just Combat Shotguns
+ Grab any and all chems! Doesn’t matter if they’re diluted, or mentats… pick them up! If you have the Pharma Farmer perk card, you can “search” all white and yellow chem containers, and any “Chem Cooler” blue lunchbox (not many are labeled as this). Your bread and butter here will actually be Rad-X (and diluted), Rad-Away (and diluted), and Stimpacks (and diluted). They’re all over and aren’t too heavy. Naturally, things like Fury, Psycho, Med-X are going to be more valuable, so not as common to find. Again, having the “Pharma Farmer” perk card at even one star, will yield a lot more chems to sell (sometimes it takes a moment, so expect delayed chimes indicating one was turned up) 🙂
+ Junk that is light, and NOT broken down already. So like any of the Cans, Tin Cans, Aluminum Cans (the raider outpost at Top of the World can have quite a few of the hanging Tin Can traps, if you can disarm, you can get 9 cans each). Granted, these only get you 1 cap each, but due to their weight you can carry a bunch and then if you have 50, that’s 50 caps! Also when not fast-traveling between vendors, you can scavenge for things like empty glass bottles: beer, wine, hard liquors. There are quite a few around the second Raider Vendor building at Top of the World (where the can traps are), near the shooting range. Also most train stations seem to have lots of beer bottles in general.
+ Clothing (not armor) as noted, is also good to pick up. It weighs just .1 lbs, and sometimes even get you more than 1 or 2 caps. The Golf outfits can get you quite a few, but the Ranger Outfit and Straight Jacket are a LITERAL GOLD MINE! Seriously, even without Grape Mentats or perks, these yield so many caps. The prison at the north of the Forest is a good location for straight jackets as well as slave collars (which also sell fairly well), as is the Asylum that the BoS held out in to the west of Watoga (has way more than the prison, naturally). Also in the Cranberry Bog is a Ranger outpost, mid region north of Watoga, and has like 5+ Ranger Outfits.
+ IGNORE HEAVY WEAPONS. They may have >100 value, but their weight ruins it for being able to carry or stash many. Just in my opinion. If you find some within walking distance of a vendor, does’t hurt to grab it then.

For a good stop to get the weapons… Watoga. You can find a couple assault rifles, a combat shotgun, two or three combat rifles and a bunch of locked containers for even more loot. While one of the combat rifles is on top of the medical building, it’s a good thing to run through for chems as well, so bonus! 🙂 If you’ve already done the Mayor quest, you can venture around there worry-free and not be attacked by the bots.

Once you get out of the mindset of “nothing is worth anything….”, particularly if you’ve played FO3, NV, or 4… you’ll then be able to make caps easier since you change your focus to quantity over value. The biggest thing is naturally weight-to-value ratio, and the limited caps available at vendors. Which if you ever deplete them, you can generally buy some plans you may want. Sure, the amount of caps that is restocked is pennies in comparison, but it’s something to keep in mind after you’ve made a ton of caps. 🙂

Good luck!

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