Argent Hero – Lords of the Fallen(LotF)

Argent Hero

Name Icon Description
Argent Hero Allows you to change the colour of your armour.

Colours worn by a famed warrior who once visited Mournstead claiming to have conquered death through sheer force of will, a claim which no one was keen to challenge due to the man’s extraordinary reputation, but one still proven false by a combination of bad luck and a falling chimney.

Argent Hero is one of the Armour Tincts available in Lords of the Fallen (LotF). Argent Hero is a tincture for altering armor color, inspired by the famed warrior who once visited Mournstead, boasting of conquering death through sheer force of will..

How to get it?

Argent Hero can be found in the following Location:

From the vestige of the Bloody Peregrim, at the entrance of Bramis Castel, walk around the plaza until you find an elevator guarded by two dogs. The tinct is sitting just next to you as the elevator arrives down.

How to use it?

Argent Hero can be used to dye your Armor

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Armour Tincts