PoE Inner Deatomization Storm

Inner Deatomization Storm Path of Exile

Inner Deatomization Storm Inner Deatomization Storm: Your integral anatomical structure is being ripped apart until you die.

  • action_speed_-%
  • base_physical_damage_taken_per_minute
  • base_chaos_damage_taken_per_minute
  • base_fire_damage_taken_per_minute
  • base_lightning_damage_taken_per_minute
Inner Deatomization Storm

Eye of the Storm is the name of the map area of Sirus, Awakener of Worlds. After defeating 4 Conquerors, finishing related quests, Zana will offer an option to open 6 portals to the area.

The final sub-area of the map is full of Deatomization Storms as environmental hazard. The storms move in a fixed pattern. Upon entering, the storms would apply debuffs to the player character. The boss would also cast a storm as an ending skill of a boss phase. During the boss fight, there is a visible circle to mark a combat area. If the player walk out of the combat area, Sirus also terminate the boss phase and cast the storm where he was standing.

  • Inner Deatomization Storm: Your integral anatomical structure is being ripped apart until you die.
  • Outer Deatomization Storm: Your integral anatomical structure is being ripped apart until you die.

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