Sufferer – Lords of the Fallen(LotF)


Name Icon Description
Sufferer Allows you to change the colour of your armour.

The belief that pain brings with it great clarity of mind is one shared by some worshippers of Orius and Adyr alike, the dedicated subjecting themselves to prolonged bodily anguish in an effort to dispel all pretences and distractions so that only single-minded devotion remains.

Sufferer is one of the Armour Tincts available in Lords of the Fallen (LotF). Sufferer is a tincture that reflects the humble colors often worn by those considered of low calibre but who submit themselves to the tribulations necessary in becoming an Orian knight..

How to get it?

Sufferer can be found in the following Location:


How to use it?

Sufferer can be used to dye your Armor

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Armour Tincts