Layman – Lords of the Fallen(LotF)


Name Icon Description
Layman Allows you to change the colour of your armour.

Pilgrims who have proven themselves to be martially apt are allowed to wear these colours as they commence their rigorous training to determine if they are qualified to be ordained as members of the Hallowed Sentinels.

Layman is one of the Armour Tincts available in Lords of the Fallen (LotF). Layman is a tincture for changing armor color, reflecting the humble colors worn by martially apt pilgrims on their journeys to Mournstead..

How to get it?

Layman can be found in the following Location:

  • Can be purchased from Shrine of Orius in Skyrest Bridge.

How to use it?

Layman can be used to dye your Armor

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Armour Tincts