Replica Kongor's Undying Rage Terror Maul - Path of Exile

Replica Kongor's Undying Rage Terror Maul

Replica Kongor's Undying Rage

Replica Kongor's Undying Rage is a unique Terror Maul. Two Hand Maces. Physical Damage: 101-137. Critical Strike Chance: 6%. Attacks per Second: 1.15. Weapon Range: 13.

Requires Level 67, 212 Str.

  • 25% chance to double Stun Duration

  • Adds (43–56) to (330–400) Physical Damage
  • (30–40)% increased Critical Strike Chance
  • +(15–20)% to all Elemental Resistances
  • Hits can't be Evaded
  • Your Critical Strikes do not deal extra Damage
  • Regenerate 20% of Energy Shield per second if you've dealt a Critical Strike with this weapon Recently
  • (Recently refers to the past 4 seconds)

Flavour Text: 'Prototype #599 offers an incredible defensive power, but at a cost. What underlying physics are at play here, I wonder?'

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  • This item has the hits can't be evaded modifier.
  • The Your Critical Strikes Do Not Deal Extra Damage modifier implies that the the critical strike damage multiplier, for all damage, is set to 100%. Therefore, increases and decrease to critical strike multiplier are ignored, such as Abyssus or Ungil's Harmony.

Item acquisition

Replica Kongor's Undying Rage has restrictions on where or how it can drop. It cannot be chanced. Replicas can be obtained from the Curio Display in the final reward rooms of Laboratory or Prohibited Library Grand Heists.


Replica Kongor's Undying Rage can be created from the following recipes:

Amount Part Description
6 The Forward Gaze Random replica item
1 The Void Random divination card set exchange