PoE Flask Quality Recipe, Over 20, 26, Improve Flask Quality

Glassblower’s Baubles are used to increase the quality of a flask. Quality on recovery flasks increases the amount of life and/or mana recovered by that percentage. Utility flasks gain increased duration instead. Note that quality on flasks stacks multiplicatively with other modifiers to flasks (for example, the increased flask duration nodes from the passive tree or belts). Furthermore, things with increased flask effect will not only improve the implicit mod of a flask, but any of the mods that the flask has rolled (always rounded down).

PoE Flask Quality Over 20% Crafting 3.24

Your flasks can now be corrupted by Vaal Orb Vaal Orbs which add a random quality value from minus ten to plus ten. The capability to add higher than 20% quality to weapons, armours and flasks has been removed from betrayal, and these reward outcomes have been replaced.

Example: +6% quality

From 20% quality to 26% quality.

PoE Flask Quality Over 20% Crafting

Example: -8% quality

From 20% quality to 18% quality.

PoE Flask Quality Over 20% Crafting

Example: +5% quality

From 20% quality to 25% quality.

PoE Flask Quality Over 20% Crafting

Example: -7% quality

From 20% quality to 13% quality.

PoE Flask Quality Over 20% Crafting

Example: +1% quality.

From 20% quality to 21% quality.

PoE Flask Quality Over 20% Crafting

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How to improve PoE flask quality

1. Glassblower’s Bauble: up to 20% quality

Glassblower’s Bauble improves the quality of a flask by up to 20%. The amount of quality raised depends on the rarity of the flask(Note: there are no rare flasks.).

Item Rarity Item Rarity % Increase
Normal 5
Magic 2
unique 1

Quality on recovery flasks increases the amount of life and/or mana recovered by that percentage. Utility flasks gain increased duration instead. Note that quality on flasks stacks multiplicatively with other modifiers to flasks (for example, the increased flask duration nodes from the passive tree or belts). Furthermore, things with increased flask effect will not only improve the implicit mod of a flask but any of the mods that the flask has rolled (always rounded down).

2. Immortal Syndicate safehouse crafting : 26% flask quality

Hillock, the Blacksmith is one of the 18 Immortal Syndicate members. You can obtain over 20% quality by the following Safehouse rewards:

Rank Target Research
Sergeant Hillock Improve the quality of a flask to 22%
Lieutenant Hillock Improve the quality of a flask to 24%
Captain Hillock Improve the quality of a flask to 26%

The Immortal Syndicate is a mysterious organisation being investigated by Jun Ortoi. It is divided into four divisions: Fortification, Transportation, Research, and Intervention. The player must neutralize the Syndicate members residing in the zone, then interrogate them for intelligence on their stronghold and leader, or bargain with them in different ways. Syndicate members can drop Veiled items, and strongholds can contain various rewards depending on the position and rank of members, including Scarabs.

Quality Flask Vendor Recipes

Result Quality Flask
1x Glassblower’s Bauble Glassblower’s Bauble
  • A single normal flask(not magic, unique) with 20% quality;
1x Glassblower’s Bauble Glassblower’s Bauble
  • Flasks with a total of at least 40% quality (works for all rarities)

When done for multiple instances of the recipe at once, each individual combination must add up to 40%. Ex. 19, 13, 15, 9, 17, 7 would add up to 80, but would not actually grant 2 of the resulting quality items, only 1 because the individual combinations do not add up to 40 each.

PoE Quality Flask Vendor Recipe

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