Curses are now divided into Hexes and Marks. Hex Spells apply curse debuffs to each enemy in an area, while Marks apply the curse debuff on a single target and cannot be applied to more than one target.
Hex Spells apply curse debuffs to each enemy in an area.
Hex uses the Doom mechanic. Self-cast Hexes build up doom the longer they’re active, increasing their effect.
If the spell was self-cast, the debuff will gain doom over time up to its maximum. The effect of the curse is increased by the amount of Doom it has.
Impending Doom is a support gem that can support hexes. When the supported hex expires or is removed in any way, it triggers Doom Blast which causes a chaos explosion. The more Doom the supported hex built up before its expiration, the greater damage the explosion will deal.
There are a number of ways to cause the explosion to occur. At the most basic level, you can simply kill a monster with the supported hex. However, there are many other ways you can cause a hex to expire.
The curses that are now considered Hexes are Flammability, Frostbite, Conductivity, Elemental Weakness, Vulnerability, Despair, Temporal Chains, Enfeeble, Punishment and Hexblast.
Flammability is a Hex spell that curses all targets in an area, making them less resistant to fire damage and gives fire damage a chance to ignite.
Curses all targets in an area, making them less resistant to fire damage and giving them a chance to be ignited by fire damage.
Frostbite is a Hex spell that curses all targets in an area, making them less resistant to cold damage and giving cold damage a chance to freeze.
Curses all targets in an area, making them less resistant to cold damage and giving them a chance to be frozen by cold damage.
Conductivity is a Hex spell that curses all targets in a area, making them less resistant to lightning damage and gives lightning damage a chance to shock.
Curses all targets in an area, making them less resistant to lightning damage and giving them a chance to be shocked by lightning damage.
Elemental Weakness is a Hex spell that curses all targets in an area, making them less resistant to elemental damage.
Curses all targets in an area, making them less resistant to elemental damage.
Vulnerability is a Hex spell that curses all targets in an area, making them take increased physical damage and granting hits dealt on the cursed targets a chance to apply bleed and maim.
Curse all targets in an area, causing them to take increased physical damage and further increased physical damage over time. Attacks against cursed enemies have a chance to inflict bleeding and maim.
Despair is a Hex spell that curses all targets in an area, making them take increased chaos damage, damage over time, and chaos damage on hit.
Curse all targets in an area, making them less resistant to chaos damage and causing them to take increased damage over time. Cursed enemies also take additional chaos damage when hit.
Temporal Chains is a Hex spell that curses all targets in an area, slowing them and making all temporary effects on them expire slower.
Curses all targets in an area, Slowing them, and making effects on them expire more slowly.
Enfeeble is a Hex spell that curses all targets in an area, lowering their damage, accuracy and critical strikes.
Enfeeble does not reduce the amount or accuracy of reflected damage, because reflect is not based on defender’s stats.
Enfeeble is an intelligence gem (blue) despite its green icon art and green debuff.
Curses all targets in an area, making their attacks and spells less effective.
Punishment has now changed to provide benefit for a greater variety of builds. It no longer causes you to gain bonuses when monsters hit you but instead curses monsters to take increased damage when they are on low life. This synergises with the second effect that
Punishment now applies which causes monsters to explode, dealing a percentage of your overkill damage to monsters around them. In addition, if cursed monsters hit you, they get debilitated (a debuff that causes enemies to deal less damage and have less movement speed) for a duration.
These changes make Punishment much more useful and a more well-rounded curse, with mostly offensive capabilities as well as a defensive component to it in case monsters are able to get close to you.
Hexblast calls down a beam of chaos damage on the target. It is a new skill gem in PoE Heist 3.12. If the target is cursed with a hex, it consumes that hex and causes a shockwave around that enemy. Similar to Impending Doom, the more Doom the supported hex built up, the greater damage the skill deals.