Cloak of Flame Build Guide & Price – PoE Scholar’s Robe

Cloak of Flame Cloak of Flame is a unique Scholar’s Robe. Requires Level 18, 55 Int. Popularity: <0.1%.

Cloak of Flame Build Stats

Name Cloak of Flame Cloak of Flame Total stats
Defense Energy Shield: 46
Resistance +(30-50)% to Fire Resistance
Fire Damage
  • (30-50)% increased Ignite Duration on Enemies
  • 10% chance to Ignite
  • Reflects 15 Fire Damage to Melee Attackers
  • 20% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Fire Damage
Movement Movement Speed: -3%

Cloak of Flame Cloak of Flame has a rare ‘physical damage taken as elemental’ property.

PoE Cloak of Flame Price

PoE Cloak of Flame Price

The price of Cloak of Flame Cloak of Flame Scholar’s Robe is 1 Orb of Chance Orb of Chance. A 6 linked Cloak of Flame Cloak of Flame is worth 3 Exalted Orbs.

Buy PoE 2 Currency Cheap

How to get Cloak of Flame

(1) Farming Cloak of Flame by Slain Monsters

You can get this unique item by kill monsters. Where does Cloak of Flame Cloak of Flame drop? There has not a specific location where they can drop.

(2) Cloak of Flame Divination Card

These divination cards have a chance but not guaranteed:
4x The Body = 1x Random unique body armour
4x Jack in the Box = 1x Random unique item
8x Arrogance of the Vaal = 1x Random corrupted unique item

(3) Apply Orb of Chance to Scholar’s Robe

Apply Orb of Chance Orb of Chance to a normal item of Scholar’s Robe, you have the chance to get a unique item of Cloak of Flame Cloak of Flame. It may need thousands of Orbs of Chance Orbs of Chance.

(4) Trade PoE Currency

One can also exchange Exalted Orbs to Cloak of Flame Cloak of Flame with other players at cheap price as well. One can obtain PoE Currency by using recipes.

Cloak of Flame 3D Art

Cloak of Flame 3D Art


Sell to Vendor Price:
Item class: Body Armours

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