Bestiary Capture Red Beasts - Path of Exile

Complete encounter at Bestiary Blood Altar: Beastcrafting

Capture beasts first, then you get a beast crafting recipe, finally go to your menagerie and use the blood altar there. By doing these, you can complete encounter at Bestiary Blood Altar challenge.

Beastcrafting is a method of crafting by sacrificing beasts to the blood altar in the Menagerie. Each beastcrafing recipe requires four beasts to be sacrificed, with most of them requiring one specific Red Beast and three Rare Beasts. The four chosen beasts are released into the arena surrounding the blood altar and must be killed to complete the recipe. If the player dies during the attempt, the recipe fails and the beasts are lost.

If an item is created, the resulting item level is equal to the level of the main beast sacrificed. Recipes that create unique items can generate league-specific uniques.

Complete encounter at Bestiary Blood Altar

PoE Menagerie beast recipes list

The table below displays the resulting crafts when sacrificing to the blood altar.

#CategoryNameBeastcrafting Recipe
1Create Currency ItemsA Stack of 8 Chromatic OrbsSaqawine Rhoa
2Create Currency ItemsA Stack of 4 Jeweller's OrbsCraicic Shield Crab
3Create Currency ItemsOrb of FusingCraicic Sand Spitter
4Create Currency ItemsA Stack of 10 Random CurrencySaqawine Chimeral
5Create Currency ItemsA Stack of 2 Orbs of BindingCraicic Sand Spitter · Craicic Shield Crab
6Create Currency ItemsA Stack of 3 Orbs of HorizonsFarric Frost Hellion Alpha · Farric Gargantuan
7Create a UniqueItemCraicic Savage Crab
8Create a UniqueRingFarric Flame Hellion Alpha
9Create a UniqueAmuletFarric Chieftain
10Create a UniqueBeltFarric Ape
11Create a UniqueFlaskFarric Goatman
12Create a UniqueHelmetFarric Gargantuan
13Create a UniqueBody ArmourFarric Ursa
14Create a UniqueBootsSaqawine Retch
15Create a UniqueGlovesFenumal Widow
16Create a UniqueJewelCraicic Squid
17Create a UniqueClaw or DaggerCraicic Watcher
18Create a UniqueMace or SceptreSaqawine Cobra
19Create a UniqueShield or QuiverFenumal Devourer
20Create a UniqueSword or AxeSaqawine Blood Viper
21Create a UniqueStaffFenumal Queen
22Create a UniqueBowFarric Goliath
23Create a UniqueWandFenumal Scrabbler
24Create a UniqueMapFarric Taurus
25Create an Item23% Quality Corrupted GemFarric Magma Hound
26Create an ItemLevel 21 Corrupted GemFarric Pit Hound
27Create an ItemFully-linked Six-socket RareSaqawine Vulture
28Create an ItemShaper Guardian, Elder Guardian or Conqueror MapVivid Abberarach
29Create an ItemVaal Temple MapPrimal Rhex Matriarch
30Create an ImprintOf a Magic ItemCraicic Chimeral
31Corrupt an ItemTo have 30% Quality
Only works on armour and weapons
Craicic Vassal
32Corrupt an ItemDouble Corrupt a MapCraicic Vassal · Fenumal Scorpion
33Transform an ItemFrom a Gilded Scarab to a Winged Scarab
Scarab will be of the same type
Farric Frost Hellion Alpha
34Modify Mods on an ItemAdd a Suffix, Remove a Random Prefix
Only works on rare items
Farric Lynx Alpha
35Modify Mods on an ItemAdd a Prefix, Remove a Random Suffix
Only works on rare items
Farric Wolf Alpha
36Modify Mods on an ItemAdd a Mod to a Shaper ItemFenumal Devourer · Craicic Maw
37Modify Mods on an ItemAdd a Mod to an Elder ItemSaqawine Blood Viper · Craicic Maw
38Modify Mods on an ItemAdd a Mod to a Redeemer ItemFenumal Queen · Craicic Maw
39Modify Mods on an ItemAdd a Mod to a Hunter ItemCraicic Watcher · Craicic Maw
40Modify Mods on an ItemAdd a Mod to a Crusader ItemFarric Goliath · Craicic Maw
41Modify Mods on an ItemAdd a Mod to a Warlord ItemFenumal Scrabbler · Craicic Maw
42Modify Mods on an ItemAdd a Mod to a Rare Map
Only works on rare maps
Craicic Savage Crab · Saqawine Cobra
43Split an Item Into TwoWith Half the Mods on Each Item
Does not work on Influenced or Split items
Fenumal Plagued Arachnid
44Convert this Unique ItemInto Another Random Unique ItemFenumal Scorpion
45Add a Mod to a Life or Mana FlaskAdds "of Convection"
Requires Flask to have no existing Suffix
Grants Immunity to Chill for (6–8) seconds if used while Chilled
Grants Immunity to Freeze for (6–8) seconds if used while Frozen
46Add a Mod to a Life or Mana FlaskAdds "of Damping"
Requires Flask to have no existing Suffix
Grants Immunity to Ignite for (6–8) seconds if used while Ignited
Removes all Burning when used
47Add a Mod to a Life or Mana FlaskAdds "of Sealing"
Requires Flask to have no existing Suffix
Grants Immunity to Bleeding for (6–8) seconds if used while Bleeding
Grants Immunity to Corrupted Blood for (6–8) seconds if used while affected by Corrupted Blood
48Add a Mod to a Life or Mana FlaskAdds "of Earthing"
Requires Flask to have no existing Suffix
Grants Immunity to Shock for (6–8) seconds if used while Shocked
49Add a Mod to a Life or Mana FlaskAdds "of the Antitoxin"
Requires Flask to have no existing Suffix
Grants Immunity to Poison for (6–8) seconds if used while Poisoned
50Add a Mod to a Life or Mana FlaskAdds "of Warding"
Requires Flask to have no existing Suffix
Removes Curses on use
51Add a Mod to a Utility FlaskAdds "of the Lizard"
Requires Flask to have no existing Suffix
(45–49)% less Duration
Immunity to Bleeding and Corrupted Blood during Flask Effect
52Add a Mod to a Utility FlaskAdds "of the Skunk"
Requires Flask to have no existing Suffix
(45–49)% less Duration
Immunity to Poison during Flask Effect
53Add a Mod to a Utility FlaskAdds "of the Conger"
Requires Flask to have no existing Suffix
(45–49)% less Duration
Immunity to Shock during Flask Effect
54Add a Mod to a Utility FlaskAdds "of the Deer"
Requires Flask to have no existing Suffix
(45–49)% less Duration
Immunity to Freeze and Chill during Flask Effect
55Add a Mod to a Utility FlaskAdds "of the Urchin"
Requires Flask to have no existing Suffix
(45–49)% less Duration
Immunity to Ignite during Flask effect
Removes Burning on use
56Open a Portalto Farrul's DenFarric Tiger Alpha
57Open a Portalto Saqawal's RoostSaqawine Rhex
58Open a Portalto Fenumus' LairFenumal Hybrid Arachnid
59Open a Portalto Craiceann's CoveCraicic Spider Crab
60Craft an Aspect Skill onto an ItemAspect of the Cat skill
Aspect of the Cat
Farrul, First of the Plains
61Craft an Aspect Skill onto an ItemAspect of the Avian skill
Aspect of the Avian
Saqawal, First of the Sky
62Craft an Aspect Skill onto an ItemAspect of the Spider skill
Aspect of the Spider
Fenumus, First of the Night
63Craft an Aspect Skill onto an ItemAspect of the Crab skill
Aspect of the Crab
Craiceann, First of the Deep
64[DNT] Memory Line Recipe[DNT] Memory Line RecipeWild Bristle Matron
65[DNT] Memory Line Recipe[DNT] Memory Line RecipeWild Hellion Alpha
66[DNT] Memory Line Recipe[DNT] Memory Line RecipeWild Brambleback
67[DNT] Memory Line Recipe[DNT] Memory Line RecipeVivid Watcher
68[DNT] Memory Line Recipe[DNT] Memory Line RecipeVivid Vulture
69[DNT] Memory Line Recipe[DNT] Memory Line RecipePrimal Crushclaw
70[DNT] Memory Line Recipe[DNT] Memory Line RecipePrimal Cystcaller

Crafting Tips

Splitting a rare item into two can turn one or both copies into a magic item depending on the remaining mod count.

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Bestiary Atlas Passive Skill

Count Name Description
1 Natural Selection
  • Beasts in your Maps are more likely to be less common varieties
1 The Hunt for Craiceann
  • Red Beasts in your Maps have 100% increased chance to be from The Deep
1 The Hunt for Farrul
  • Red Beasts in your Maps have 100% increased chance to be from The Wilds
1 The Hunt for Fenumus
  • Red Beasts in your Maps have 100% increased chance to be from The Caverns
1 The Hunt for Saqawal
  • Red Beasts in your Maps have 100% increased chance to be from The Sands
6 Bestiary Red Beast Chance
  • Your Maps that contain capturable Beasts have 5% chance to contain an additional Red Beast

Bestiary Atlas Passive Skill

Count Name Description
1 Big Game
  • Yellow Beasts in your Maps have 15% chance to be replaced with Red Beasts
1 Mighty Hunter
  • Einhar has 100% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate in your Maps
  • Einhar deals 1000% more Damage to Unique Monsters in your Maps
  • Einhar remains in your Maps after his Mission is Complete
3 Bestiary Mission Chance
  • Your Maps have 1% chance to grant an additional Einhar Mission on Completion
2 Bestiary Yellow Beast Amount
  • Your Maps that contain capturable Beasts contain 1 additional Yellow Beast

Bestiary Atlas Passive Skill

Count Name Description
1 Great Migration
  • Your Maps with Einhar Missions have 8% chance to contain additional Packs of Beasts instead of other Monsters
3 Bestiary Mission Chance
  • Your Maps have 1% chance to grant an additional Einhar Mission on Completion
2 Bestiary Red Beast Pair Chance
  • Red Beasts in your Maps have 4% chance to appear in Pairs

Bestiary Atlas Passive Skill

Count Name Description
1 Animal Companion
  • Your Maps have 4% chance to grant an additional Einhar Mission on Completion
2 Bestiary Beast Duplication Chance
  • 3% chance to create a copy of Beasts Captured in your Maps

Capture Red Beasts

  • Challenge: Capture Red Beasts (0/100).
  • Location: From Act 2 on, Einhar appears in areas together with some beasts. There will be at least one red beast and roughly between two and five yellow beasts.

Beasts with one Bestiary mod have a yellow icon yellow icon on the minimap. Beasts with two Bestiary mods have a red icon red icon on the minimap. Red beasts have significantly higher life and spawns monsters periodically.

Capture Red Beasts

How to farm Bestiary Orb?

Bestiary Orb Bestiary Orb is a PoE currency. It can store a captured beast so the beast can be traded.

Farming Bestiary Orb by killing monsters

The drop level of Bestiary Orb Bestiary Orb is 15.

Purchase from Einhar Frey

Einhar Frey, lives in Menagerie, sells a Bestiary Orb Bestiary Orb for one Chaos Orb Chaos Orb.

How to use Bestiary Orb in PoE

Before come to Menagerie, put some Chaos Orbs Chaos Orbs in your inventory.

1. Travel to Menagerie


If you do not have the Menagerie icon here, you will have to go to Act 2, and then The Forest Encampment. Talk to Einhar, click "Visit Menagerie".

2. Buy a Bestiary Orb from Einhar Frey

Einhar Frey

3. Find a captured beast

4. Right click on Bestiary Orb

Right Bestiary Orb

5. Left click on the Beast

Click on the Beast

Now, the beast can be traded.

Traded the Beast

How to let the Beast out

To let the monster out of the item, just right-click it. Adding a beast to your Menagerie this way does not grant progress towards the “Complete the Bestiary” challenge.

PoE Menagerie Location

The Menagerie is an area. This area has a waypoint and is connected to Menagerie Caverns, Menagerie Depths, Menagerie Sands, and Menagerie Wilds. Each sub-area containing between 9 and 16 pens which hold the collected monsters sorted by monster type. There are 44 pens all up. Each holding pen can hold between 5 monsters (e.g. Amphibians->Gem Frogs) and 56 monsters (Arachnids->Spiders), depending on the pen.

The Menagerie is a place to hold collectable beasts encountered in Wraeclast. The area is open for access once the Einhar's Hunt quest is completed.

Captured beasts end up here. Beasts are captured by Einhar once weakened. The collected beasts can be sacrificed in the Blood Altar for beastcrafting. Einhar sells Bestiary Orb at the Menagerie which can be used to store beasts.

Einhar, Beastmaster

Einhar Frey is a major NPC as well as a master. In the Bestiary leagues, Einhar provides the player introduction to the Bestiary, beast hunting, and how to capture them with nets. As a master, Einhar directly assists the player in beast hunting by attacking monsters and throwing nets.

Einhar can also be found in the Menagerie, where you can use captured beasts for beastcrafting. He also sells Bestiary Orbs to itemize beasts for trading.

How to Level Einhar?

In zones where Einhar can appear, the zone will contain special beasts, indicated by their icons. There will be 3-5 yellow beasts (Medium Difficulty) and 1-2 red beast (Hard Difficulty). Yellow beasts have 1 Bestiary mod, while red beasts have 2 Bestiary mods.

When a beast is brought to low health, Einhar will appear. He is an invulnerable NPC and attacks with ranged shots, as well as a volley of shots and bombs. He also has an aura that grants life leech and life gain on hit and kill. Einhar will throw a net at weakened beasts, capturing them and moving them to the Menagerie. Beasts cannot be killed.

Once all beasts in the zone are captured, the mission is complete and Einhar will leave the area.

To level up Einhar, capture monsters in the Bestiary:

  • Capture 5 monsters for level 2.
  • Capture 20 monsters for level 3.
  • Capture 45 monsters for level 4.
  • Capture 80 monsters for level 5.
  • Capture 120 monsters for level 6.
  • Capture 160 monsters for level 7.

Capturing monsters that have previously been captured does NOT count towards this. Players can view what they've already captured by opening the Challenge/Achievements Panel (default key "H") and navigating to the "Bestiary" tab.

The Blood Altar Dialogue

The end is coming, exile. Of that, I am sure.

...Just not so sure when. Maybe tomorrow? Maybe three years form now. No more than three years from now.

When the end arrives, we must be ready. The First Ones will return. They will bring the survivors with them to the Great Grove. We must prove we are worthy. We must sacrifice the beasts we find at the Blood Altar.

Feed the altar the blood of these beasts, and the First Ones will bless us. And, perhaps, reveal to us their secrets.

Bestiary Changes 3.14

  • Added 10 new Beastcrafting recipes.
  • Splitting an item through Beastcrafting now applies a Split modifier to both items, preventing further splitting.
  • Party members that are not the map creator are now required to be within a 250 unit radius (roughly two screens) of a captured beast in order for it to be added to their Menagerie.

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