Replica Farrul's Fur Triumphant Lamellar - Path of Exile

Replica Farrul's Fur Triumphant Lamellar

Replica Farrul's Fur

Replica Farrul's Fur is a unique Triumphant Lamellar. Body Armours. Armour: 380–437. Evasion Rating: 477–549. Movement Speed: -3%.

Requires Level 69, 95 Str, 116 Dex.

  • (100–150)% increased Armour and Evasion
  • +(80–100) to maximum Life
  • +2 seconds to Cat's Agility Duration
  • Aspect of the Cat has no Reservation
  • Gain up to your maximum number of Frenzy and Endurance Charges when you gain Cat's Agility
  • You have Onslaught while you have Cat's Agility

Flavour Text: 'Attempt #120: the prototype has finally achieved power similar to the original without breaking all the bones of the test subject. A rousing success.'

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This version increases the duration of the 2nd buff of the Aspect of the Cat. The default values are 4s Cat's Stealth and 6s Cat's Agility. The item changed to 4s and 8s respectively.

Like the original item, by modifying the duration of Cat's Stealth + Cat's Agility to be smaller than the duration of Frenzy Charge and Endurance Charge, player can always be at maximum Frenzy and Endurance Charges.

This can be done by either increasing the duration of the charges, or socketing the support gem (Less Duration Support and/or Swift Affliction Support, etc.) to the item that grants the Aspect of the Cat skill.

Item acquisition

Replica Farrul's Fur has restrictions on where or how it can drop. It cannot be chanced. Replicas can be obtained from the Curio Display in the final reward rooms of Laboratory or Prohibited Library Grand Heists.


Replica Farrul's Fur can be created from the following recipes:

Amount Part Description
6 The Forward Gaze Random replica item
1 The Void Random divination card set exchange

Item skins

The following item skins apply only to Replica Farrul's Fur:

Item Effect(s)
Predatory Farrul's Fur Your Farrul's Fur is draped with the bones of a panther, which assume new life when Aspect of the Cat is active and cause your power, frenzy and endurance charges to take on a bestial appearance.