Replica Reckless Defence Cobalt Jewel - Path of Exile

Replica Reckless Defence Cobalt Jewel

Replica Reckless Defence

Replica Reckless Defence is a unique Cobalt Jewel. Jewels.

  • +(2–4)% Chance to Block Spell Damage
  • +(2–4)% Chance to Block Attack Damage
  • +10% chance to be Frozen, Shocked and Ignited

Flavour Text: 'Prototype #298 must be contained in a non-conductive glass box at all times.'

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Item acquisition

Replica Reckless Defence has restrictions on where or how it can drop. It cannot be chanced. Replicas can be obtained from the Curio Display in the final reward rooms of Laboratory or Prohibited Library Grand Heists.


Replica Reckless Defence can be created from the following recipes:

Amount Part Description
6 The Forward Gaze Random replica item
1 The Void Random divination card set exchange