The Rat Cage Sharkskin Tunic - Path of Exile

The Rat Cage Sharkskin Tunic

The Rat Cage

The Rat Cage is a unique Sharkskin Tunic. Body Armours. Evasion Rating: 559–643. Movement Speed: -3%.

Requires Level 56, 152 Dex.

  • (100–120)% increased Evasion Rating
  • +(200–300) to maximum Life
  • 15% increased Movement Speed
  • 100% of Fire Damage from Hits taken as Physical Damage

Flavour Text: The truth lies inside every man, if you dig around. Many a confession was found in the bowels of Axiom.

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Item acquisition

The Rat Cage can drop anywhere. It can be chanced. The Rat Cage belongs to a special group of unique items called league-specific items, which can be obtained from certain divination cards and other sources in addition to their normal acquisition methods.


The Rat Cage can be created from the following recipes:

Amount Part Description
4 The Body Random body armour
3 Sambodhi's Wisdom Random armour with 30% quality
9 Fateful Meeting Random two-implicit corrupted level 97 league-specific item
10 Time-Lost Relic Random league-specific item
1 Time-Lost Incubator Random league-specific item
7 Prejudice Random influenced item
6 Costly Curio Random double-influenced item
8 Arrogance of the Vaal Random two-implicit corrupted item
4 Jack in the Box Random item
1 Singular Incubator Random item
1 The Void Random divination card set exchange