The Narcissist Cosmic Apex Sentinel - Path of Exile

The Narcissist Cosmic Apex Sentinel

The Narcissist

The Narcissist is a unique Cosmic Apex Sentinel. Sentinel. Duration: 20 seconds. Empowers: 1 enemies. Empowerment: 100. Charge: 5/5. Can only Empower Shavronne the Sickening (Level 83).

Requires Level 75.

  • Destroyed on Empowering target Enemy
  • Map Item Quantity affects number of rewards from Empowered Enemy
  • Empowered Monsters drop (8–12) Currency Rewards

Flavour Text: Knowing the human body to harbour infinite potential, she endowed her subjects with the most potent forces at her disposal, striving invariably for improvement.

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Can only Empower Shavronne the Sickening (Level 83). Adds the following abilities:

  • Creates two unkillable copies of Reassembled Brutus infused with Lightning energy.

The random reward type is chosen randomly between the following types:

  • Fragment
  • Currency
  • Unique
  • Map
  • Scarab
  • Sentinel
  • Divination Card

Item acquisition

The Narcissist is drop disabled.