Steelworm Feathered Arrow Quiver - Path of Exile

Steelworm Feathered Arrow Quiver


Steelworm is a unique Feathered Arrow Quiver. Quivers.

Requires Level 52.

  • (20–30)% increased Projectile Speed

  • Grants Call of Steel
  • (30–60)% increased Evasion Rating and Armour
  • Deal no Non-Physical Damage
  • Attacks that Fire Projectiles Consume up to 1 additional Steel Shard
  • Skills Fire 3 additional Projectiles for 4 seconds after
    you consume a total of 12 Steel Shards

Flavour Text: The dance of metal and flesh never ends.

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  • Call of Steel

Call of Steel is a skill granted by Splitting Steel, Shattering Steel, and Lancing Steel. Using the skill generates Steel Shards that are consumed to empower those skills. It also pulls Steel Shards out of each nearby impaled enemies and corpses, dealing reflected physical damage equal to the total stored impale damage in an area of effect around them.

Name Call of Steel
Skill Id ImpactingSteelReload
Cast Time 0.50 sec
Level Req. 1
Attack Speed 100% of base
Attack Damage 130% of base
Effectiveness of Added Damage 130%
Calls impale debuffs from enemies, alive or dead, in a large area around you to gain steel shards. Deals reflected damage in a smaller area around each such enemy based on the impales removed from them. Continues to grant shards over time until you reach maximum or spend them.
Grants 4 Steel Shards every 0.5 seconds
Reflects Physical Damage around each Enemy equal to the Damage of removed Impales multiplied by the number of Hits they have left
Grants 1 Steel Shard for each Impale removed

Item acquisition

Steelworm has restrictions on where or how it can drop. It cannot be chanced.

Steelworm can only drop in the Lord's Labyrinth.