Cloak of Defiance Lacquered Garb - Path of Exile

Cloak of Defiance Lacquered Garb

Cloak of Defiance

Cloak of Defiance is a unique Lacquered Garb. Body Armours. Evasion Rating: 286–329. Energy Shield: 59–68. Movement Speed: -3%.

Requires Level 52, 76 Dex, 76 Int.

  • (300–400)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
  • +(100–150) to maximum Mana
  • Regenerate 1% of Mana per second
  • Mind Over Matter
  • (40% of Damage is taken from Mana before Life)

Flavour Text: When the throat roars, As eyes weep, When the hand grips hard With trembling fingers, When belly twists Yet legs stand strong, That is the work Of the Defiant Heart.

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The Mind Over Matter mod has the same effect as the keystone, Mind Over Matter. Taking the keystone in addition to equipping this item will impart no additional benefit.

The 1% of Mana Regenerated per second mod is scaled by X% increased Mana Regeneration Rate modifiers. See Mana.

Item acquisition

Cloak of Defiance can drop anywhere. It can be chanced.


Cloak of Defiance can be created from the following recipes:

Amount Part Description
4 The Body Random body armour
3 Sambodhi's Wisdom Random armour with 30% quality
7 Prejudice Random influenced item
6 Costly Curio Random double-influenced item
8 Arrogance of the Vaal Random two-implicit corrupted item
4 Jack in the Box Random item
1 Singular Incubator Random item
1 The Void Random divination card set exchange

Supporter attribution

Cloak of Defiance was created by supporter Hrishi.