Syncretism PoE

PoE 3.17.1: Updated the description of the Syncretism Atlas Passive to clarify it only applies to Shrines in Areas. Note that Atlas Passives that refer to Shrines do not apply to Lesser Shrines, Lesser Shrines are only affected by increased Effect of Shrines and Shrine Effect Duration from the Atlas Passive Tree.


Syncretism is a Atlas notable passive skill. Mastery: Shrines.

Count Name Description
1 Drawn to Power
  • Shrines in Areas have 50% chance to be guarded by an additional Pack of Monsters
  • Shrines in Areas are guarded by at least one Magic Pack
1 Syncretism
  • Shrines in Areas grant a random additional Shrine Effect
  • 30% increased Effect of Shrine Effects on Players in Areas
2 Domination Shrine Chance
  • Areas have a 10% chance to contain an additional Shrine
1 Domination Shrine Effect
  • 20% increased Effect of Shrine Effects on Players in Areas

Syncretism PoE

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