Snakepit Sapphire Ring - Path of Exile

Snakepit Sapphire Ring


Snakepit is a unique Sapphire Ring. Rings.

Requires Level 68.

  • +(20–30)% to Cold Resistance

  • (20–40)% increased Spell Damage
  • (5–10)% increased Cast Speed
  • Left ring slot: Projectiles from Spells cannot Chain
  • Left ring slot: Projectiles from Spells Fork
  • Right ring slot: Projectiles from Spells Chain +1 times
  • Right ring slot: Projectiles from Spells cannot Fork
  • Projectiles from Spells cannot Pierce

Flavour Text: They wrap around you until your blood turns as cold as theirs.

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  • The Projectiles from Spells cannot Pierce modifier takes precedence over Projectiles Pierce all Targets modifier present on spell gems such as Freezing Pulse, Frostbolt and Soulrend, making it unable to pierce in exchange for being able to Chain or Fork, depending on ring placement.

Item acquisition

Snakepit can drop anywhere. It can be chanced.


Snakepit can be created from the following recipes:

Amount Part Description
5 Hubris Random ring
7 Blind Venture Random corrupted ring
6 The Cache Random jewellery
7 Prejudice Random influenced item
6 Costly Curio Random double-influenced item
8 Arrogance of the Vaal Random two-implicit corrupted item
4 Jack in the Box Random item
1 Singular Incubator Random item
1 The Void Random divination card set exchange

It used to be an exclusive drop of Guardian of the Hydra. However, now it is a random drop from any monster (given fulfilled the area level / monster level requirement ) as well as able to be chanced, such as Shaper/Elder influenced to synergize with other unique items.