Prometheus’ Armoury Divination Card PoE – Farming One-Hand Weapon(Item Level: 100)

Prometheus’ Armoury Prometheus’ Armoury is a divination card.

Outcome Amount Divination Card Drop Monsters
One-Hand Weapon(Item Level: 100, Double-Influenced Item) 6 Prometheus’ Armoury Prometheus’ Armoury Haku

It can be acquired from Haku monsters. Haku, Warmaster in any zone.

How to get Prometheus’ Armoury

1. Farming in the game

Slain Haku monster. The drop rate and drop location are random.

2. Buy it from other players

The price of Prometheus’ Armoury Prometheus’ Armoury is about 10 Chaos Orb Chaos Orb.

Prometheus' Armoury

Price: ~ 10 Chaos Orb Chaos Orb

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