Ultimatum League - Path of Exile

Ultimatum League Release Date

  1. At 1pm on April 8th (PDT): Ultimatum League Livestream Announcement at twitch.tv/pathofexile. It will reveal new content of Ultimatum league. Then, there is a live Q&A with ZiggyD and Chris Wilson. Lastly, a closing out with the Baeclast podcast featuring Lead Game Designer, Rory Rackham. Twitch Drops will be enabled from the start of the livestream until 9pm April 8th (PDT) and for all channels streaming Path of Exile during that time.
  2. April 16th (PDT): release Path of Exile: Ultimatum. The release date of Ultimatum League is April 16th (PDT) on PC and April 21 (PDT) on console. Ultimatum league is free to play.

PoE Ultimatum League Release Date

Path of Exile: Ultimatum Guides

Path of Exile: Ultimatum

Ultimatum League Teaser

Path of Exile April Expansion Teaser

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Path of Exile 2

At the Livestream announcement, you will see more information about Path of Exile 2.

Path of Exile 2 Livestream Announcement

Path of Exile Guides & Tips