Death's Opus Death Bow - Path of Exile

Death's Opus Death Bow

Death's Opus

Death's Opus is a unique Death Bow. Bows. Physical Damage: 28-73. Critical Strike Chance: 5%. Attacks per Second: 1.2.

Requires Level 44, 107 Dex.

  • (30–50)% increased Critical Strike Chance

  • (90–105)% increased Physical Damage
  • Adds (6–12) to (20–25) Physical Damage
  • 10% increased Attack Speed
  • +50% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier
  • Bow Attacks fire 2 additional Arrows

Flavour Text: The overture stretches thin, The chorus gathers to begin. Stacatto, drone, a rest drawn long, Another hears Death's final song.

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Item acquisition

Death's Opus is drop disabled.