Whakawairua Tuahu Strand Map - Path of Exile

Whakawairua Tuahu Strand Map

Whakawairua Tuahu

Whakawairua Tuahu is a unique Strand Map. Maps. Map Tier: 1, 4, 8, 12, 16. Guild Tag Editor: 8.

  • Area contains many Totems
  • Curses have 50% reduced effect on Monsters
  • (40–60)% increased Quantity of Items found in this Area
  • (120–160)% increased Rarity of Items found in this Area
  • map extra content weighting [1]
  • map rare monsters have nemesis mod [1]
  • monster dropped item quantity +% [1500]
  • monster dropped item rarity +% [1500]
  • monster slain experience +% [0]

Flavour Text: We all began life in darkness, we shall all end it there.

Whakawairua Tuahu, also known as the Unique Strand Map, is a challenging and rewarding map in Path of Exile. Here's a breakdown of what to expect:

Layout and Mechanics:

  • The map is divided into two large areas:
    • The first area resembles a typical Strand Map, with beaches and caves.
    • The second area is unique, styled like The Ship Graveyard from Act 1.

Darkness and Creeping Darkness:

  • The entire map is shrouded in darkness, limiting visibility. This adds an atmospheric touch but requires carrying flares or having skills that generate light.
  • Additionally, the map applies a debuff called "Creeping Darkness" that slowly reduces your light radius. This further emphasizes the importance of light sources.

Many Totems and Reduced Curse Effect:

  • The map is populated with numerous totem enemies. Be prepared for totem-heavy encounters.
  • Monsters in the Whakawairua Tuahu have a 50% reduced effect from curses. This means curse-based builds might need to adjust their strategy.

Boss: Te Kāwhairo:

  • The final challenge is Te Kāwhairo, a powerful boss who reflects your character class.
  • This means Te Kāwhairo will use abilities similar to your own class, requiring you to adapt your tactics accordingly.


  • Whakawairua Tuahu offers increased item quantity and rarity, meaning you can expect more drops and potentially higher quality loot.
  • The map is also known for rewarding Nemesis-modded monsters, which can be more challenging but also have a chance to drop valuable currency or unique items.


  • Light Source: Bring flares or use skills that generate light to navigate the darkness effectively.
  • Area-of-Effect Skills: Consider using skills that can clear groups of enemies efficiently, especially against the numerous totems.
  • Adjust Curse Strategy: If your build relies heavily on curses, be prepared for them to be less effective and consider alternative damage sources.
  • Boss Fight Strategy: Analyze your character class and its skills to anticipate Te Kāwhairo's abilities and adapt your approach accordingly.

Additional Notes:

  • Whakawairua Tuahu is a higher-tier map, recommended for experienced players with well-geared characters.
  • The darkness, monster modifiers, and unique boss fight create a challenging but rewarding experience for players seeking high-quality loot and a test of their skills.

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The map is divided into 2 main regions and 1 boss arena. The first region, the one the player spawns in, is similar to the normal Strand map. The second area, accessed via a red portal found in the first region, is similar in style to the Ship Graveyard from Act I, and the boss arena is found in a cave entrance much like the Ship Graveyard Cave.

The Boss arena features an Ancient Seal (similar to the one that unleashes the darkness in the Vaal Ruins of Act 2). Opening the Seal releases the Boss.

Note, it is advisable to finish the first area before moving on to the second, as you cannot return to the first. The boss arena cannot be exited until the boss is defeated.


While inside the map area, a debuff named Creeping Darkness is applied on all players:

The player's light radius, Item Rarity and Item Quantity slowly decrease over time. When the player kills an enemy those stats increase.



A boss monster is spawned for every player in the party, depending on their class.

  • Shade of a Witch: Uses Righteous Fire, Lightning Warp, Flame Surge and Ball Lightning.
  • Shade of a Duelist: Reave
  • Shade of a Shadow: Lightning Trap, Fire Trap, Ice Trap, and Smoke Mines for movement.
  • Shade of a Marauder: Cyclone, Summon Raging Spirit, Ground Slam
  • Shade of a Ranger: Rain of Arrows, Explosive Arrow, Vaal Burning Arrow, Slower Projectile Ice Shot
  • Shade of a Scion: Spectral Throw, Vaal Spectral Throw, Animate Weapon
  • Shade of a Templar: Storm Herald, Flameblast Totem, Ice Firestorm,

Once these are killed, there is a final boss:

  • Tormented Temptress: Ice Aura. Freezing Breath. Proximity Shield. Ice Nova Mine. Continuous Freezing Pulse. Uses Smoke Mines for movement.

Items found in this area

The following drop-restricted items can drop in this area.

Item Drop
Lantador's Lost Love 23
Monochrome 80
Prosperity 61
Scholar of the Seas 68
The Darkest Dream 80
The Deep Ones 49
The Doppelganger 23
The Formless Sea 51
The Journey 68
The Landing 73
The Undaunted 23

Item acquisition

Whakawairua Tuahu can drop anywhere. It can be chanced.


Whakawairua Tuahu can be created from the following recipes:

Amount Part Description
8 The Encroaching Darkness Random corrupted map
1 Otherworldly Incubator Random map
4 Jack in the Box Random item
1 Singular Incubator Random item
1 The Void Random divination card set exchange


Because Item Rarity and Item Quantity decrease proportionally with Light Radius, they may increase as well. Stacking Light Radius in this map increases Item Rarity and Item Quantity. Casting Desecrate will increase your current Light Radius, effectively increasing both Item Rarity and Item Quantity for a short time.