PoE Unique Item Vendor Recipe 3.25: Most Useful Vendor Recipes

Path of Exile doesn't have a universal vendor recipe for all unique items. However, there are specific recipes for creating certain unique items by selling specific combinations of items to a vendor. There are two main crafting methods using unique items: Crafting Vendor Recipes and Re-rolling Uniques. These involve selling specific combinations of unique items to a vendor to obtain a new unique item. This is the only way to acquire certain unique items in the game.

Crafting Vendor Recipes

Outcome Vendor Recipes Notes
  • 1x Grelwood Shank
  • 1x Beltimber Blade
  • 1x Orb of Fusing
Cameria's Avarice
  • 1x Cameria's Maul
  • 1x Ice Bite Support with 20% quality
  • 1x Glacial Hammer with 20% quality
  • 1x Ice Spear with 20% quality
Combat Focus
  • 1x gem with the Prismatic gem tag and 20% quality
  • One of the following:
    • 1x Ruby Ring and 1x Sapphire Ring
    • 1x Ruby Ring and 1x Topaz Ring
    • 1x Sapphire Ring and 1x Topaz Ring

The resulting Combat Focus jewel will block the element of the ring that was not used in the recipe.

  • Ruby Ring + Sapphire Ring = Combat Focus
  • Ruby Ring + Topaz Ring = Combat Focus
  • Sapphire Ring + Topaz Ring = Combat Focus
  • 1x Shade of Solaris
  • 1x Light of Lunaris
  • 1x Orb of Fusing
Corrupted items cannot be used.
The Goddess Scorned
  • 1x The Goddess Bound with 20% quality
  • 1x Elegant Sword with 20% quality
  • 1x Combustion Support with at least 1% quality
  • 1x Orb of Fusing
The sockets of The Goddess Bound and the Elegant Sword must also match exactly in number, colour, and links.
Hyrri's Bite
  • 1x white Sharktooth Arrow Quiver
  • 1x rare Onyx Amulet
  • 1x Rain of Arrows gem with at least 1% quality
  • 1x Orb of Chance
  • 1x Soul Taker
  • 1x Heartbreaker
  • 1x Orb of Fusing
Corrupted items cannot be used. Using Shaper or Elder components will create a Shaper or Elder Kingmaker.
  • 60x unique ring
Corrupted rings can be used. Using all Shaper or Elder rings will create a Shaper or Elder Loreweave.
Magna Eclipsis
  • 1x Invictus Solaris
  • 1x Vix Lunaris
  • 1x Orb of Fusing
The Retch
  • 1x Feastbind
  • 1x Faminebind
  • 1x Orb of Fusing
Corrupted items cannot be used.
Star of Wraeclast
  • 1x unique Ruby Ring
  • 1x any rarity Onyx Amulet
  • 1x level 20 corrupted Lightning Warp
Vaal Lightning Warp will not work. The unique ring must be uncorrupted.
The Taming
  • 1x Berek's Respite
  • 1x Berek's Pass
  • 1x Berek's Grip
Using three alternate art Berek rings will create an alternate art The Taming. Using three Shaper or Elder Berek rings will create a Shaper or Elder The Taming.
The Vinktar Square
  • 1x Agnerod North
  • 1x Agnerod South
  • 1x Agnerod East
  • 1x Agnerod West
lowest ilvl among the 4 staffs decides the tier of the unique map.

Here's how Vendor Recipes work:

  1. Required Items: Gather the specific unique items as listed in the recipe. These might involve the same unique item multiple times or different unique items altogether. Uniques can also have variant modifiers that need to match for the recipe to work.
  2. Sell to Vendor: Sell the required unique items to any vendor in town.
  3. New Unique: In return, you'll receive a new unique item based on the recipe.

Rerolling Vendor Recipes

A unique item can have its modifiers rerolled by vendoring it along with two more of the same unique item. The result is comparable to using a Divine Orb and a Blessed Orb.

Outcome Vendor Recipes Notes
1x unique item of the same name 3x unique item (same name, not corrupted)

The unique items used as recipe components must not only have the same name, but also be of the same unique item variant; if they can generate with variable explicit modifier, all modifiers must be the same between the three items. The resulting item will be of the same variant as the components. This rule also applies to legacy variants.

The resulting unique item will have its natural implicit modifier, if any. As of version 3.23.0d, unique synthesised item instead return a synthesised unique item with randomised synthesised implicit modifiers instead. Synthesis "Circle" Rings also require that they have the same random explicit modifiers.

Here's how Re-rolling Uniques works:

  1. Unique Item: Obtain a unique item you want to re-roll.
  2. Vendor Recipe: Sell the unique item along with two other copies of the exact same unique item (same name and variant modifiers) to a vendor.
  3. Re-rolled Unique: You'll receive the same unique item back, but with new implicit modifiers, similar to the effects of a Divine Orb.

Important Notes:

  • Re-rolling uniques only affects the implicit modifiers, not the explicit ones (shown on the item itself).
  • This method can be expensive as it requires three copies of the same unique item.

In conclusion:

Path of Exile offers unique item recipes for crafting and re-rolling unique items. Utilize vendor recipes to acquire specific uniques and re-rolling to potentially improve the implicit modifiers on existing ones. Remember to consult online resources for a comprehensive list of these recipes and plan your crafting endeavors accordingly!

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Three Same Uniques Recipe Example

3 Unique Recipe

As the example shown above, selling three uncorrupted uniques, you can obtain a Hidden item.

Click “Accept” button, you get the new unique item. In this example, I get a Lori’s Lantern Lori’s Lantern Prismatic Ring. It acts similar as Divine Orb.

Lori's Lantern Prismatic Ring

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