PoE Transform a Skill Gem to be a random Transfigured version

Transform a Skill Gem to be a random Transfigured version

  • Transform a Skill Gem to be a random Transfigured Gem of the same colour: The Divine Font will always allow the player to transfigure a Skill Gem for a random Transfigured Gem. The Player can offer a Skill Gem at the Divine Font and Transfigure it. Doing so will cause the Divine Font to offer 3 Transfigured Gems to the player that share a colour with the Gem offered (e.g. offering an Intelligence Skill Gem will cause the Divine Font to offer 3 randomly chosen Transfigured Intelligence Skill Gems).Similar to divine font enchantments in the previous lab system, the player does not need to choose one of these options if they would rather keep their current gem the way it is. The gem will maintain its level and quality upon being transfigured.
  • Transform a Skill Gem to be a random Transfigured version: The Divine Font will sometimes allow the player to transfigure a Skill Gem directly into one of its own transfigured forms instead of to a random transfigured gem, retaining its level and quality.
Option Normal Cruel Merciless Eternal (Uber) Dedication
Gem to random transfigured gem of same colour
Gem to random transfigured version of same gem
Gem to random exceptional gem
Add quality +(2-5)% +(3-4)% +4% +(8-20)%
Add experience to gem 15m (30-150)m (30-#)m
Sacrifice gem for player experience (disabled) (#-40)%
Sacrifice gem for currency
may scale with gem level
1 transmute – 2 chaos
Sacrifice gem for Facetor’s Lens (25-60)%
Sacrifice gem for Treasure Key 1 (1-2) (1-2)
Corrupted gem to random corrupted gem of same colour
Corrupted gem transfigured to random corrupted transfigured gem of same colour

The Divine Font at the end of the Labyrinth is now a gem crafting device that can modify your skill and support gems by turning them into Transfigured Gems, add Quality or Experience to Gems, or sacrifice a Gem for one or more Treasure Keys to open Izaro’s Chests.

PoE Divine Font

The Divine Font is an interactable object that appears in the final room of the Lord’s Labyrinth after defeating Izaro. It serves as a crafting bench that can transform and sacrifice gems for various gem and labyrinth-related effects, including being the exclusive method to obtain transfigured skill gems.

Each party member gains use of the Divine Font upon completion of a lab if completed by a party. The Eternal Labyrinth (area level 75+) will grant 2 uses of the Divine Font by default. It is currently unknown if the Darkshrine that grants an additional use of the Divine Font will still be available.

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Number of craft attempts

The number of craft attempts and options allowed depends on the level of the Labyrinth. One option will always be to convert into a random same-colour transfigured gem.

The “Be twice blessed.” Darkshrine effect grants 1 additional craft.

  • Normal: 1 craft, 2 options
  • Cruel: 1 craft, 3 options
  • Merciless: 1 craft, 4 options
  • Eternal (“Uber”): 2 crafts, 4 options
  • Gift to the Goddess: 8 crafts, 4 options

In Path of Exile (PoE), the Divine Font offers a crafting option that can transform a non-Transfigured Skill Gem into a random Transfigured version. Here's a breakdown of what this means:

Regular Skill Gems vs. Transfigured Skill Gems:

  • Regular Skill Gems: These are the standard skill gems you find throughout the game. They have a set of functionalities and effects as described in their gem information.
  • Transfigured Skill Gems: These are special versions of regular skill gems introduced in the Labyrinth endgame content. They retain the core functionality of the original skill but offer unique variations or enhancements. For example, a Transfigured Flame Dash might leave behind a trail of fire that damages enemies.

The Divine Font Craft:

  • This option allows you to take a non-Transfigured Skill Gem and use the Divine Font to potentially transform it into a random Transfigured version.
  • Random Outcome: The specific Transfigured version you receive is random. There's no guarantee of getting a particular Transfigured variant you might desire.

Benefits of Using This Craft:

  • Acquiring Transfigured Gems: This is a convenient way to obtain Transfigured versions of gems without relying solely on Labyrinth drops or trading with other players.
  • Exploring Different Variations: If you're unsure which Transfigured version suits your build best, this craft allows you to experiment with different options.

Things to Consider:

  • Randomness: As mentioned, the outcome is random. You might not get the specific Transfigured version you're looking for.
  • Cost: Using the Divine Font requires sacrificing other resources, depending on the tier of the Font you use. Consider the cost compared to potentially buying the desired Transfigured gem from another player.
  • Limited Control: Unlike some other crafting options, you don't have control over the specific Transfigured version you receive.


The Divine Font craft for Transfigured gems is a useful tool for acquiring these special variants. However, the random outcome and potential cost require careful consideration before using it, especially if you're looking for a specific Transfigured version.

Tremendous Thaumaturgy(5) Affliction 3.23

Use the Divine Font in the Lord’s Labyrinth in any five of the following ways.

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