PoE Area contains Sirus’ Deatomisation Storms

Ah yes, the dreaded Sirus’ Deatomisation Storms! Encountering those in a tier 17 map is definitely a challenging proposition. Here’s what you need to know:

What it means:

  • Area: This mod affects the entire map, not just specific zones.
  • contains Sirus’ Deatomisation Storms: Multiple giant swirling storms, similar to those used by the Awakener himself, will be present throughout the map.

How it works:

  • Visuals: As mentioned, imagine the large, black and purple cyclones Sirus summons during his boss fight. They’ll be scattered around the map, constantly swirling and pulsating with destructive energy.
  • Movement: Unlike their stationary counterparts in the Sirus fight, these storms roam freely across the map, adding an unpredictable element to their threat.
  • Effects: Coming into contact with a Deatomisation Storm is extremely dangerous. It deals significant initial damage followed by rapid damage over time, making even a brief brush potentially fatal. Additionally, the storms may apply debuffs or hinder movement.

Strategies for dealing with Sirus’ Deatomisation Storms:

  • Awareness: As with the roaming Hexfields, keep your eyes peeled for the storms and their movements. Learn to anticipate their paths and adjust your positioning accordingly.
  • Mobility: Having access to movement skills like Dash, Flame Dash, or Leap Slam is crucial for dodging the storms quickly. Flasks with movement speed boosts can also be helpful.
  • Defensive measures: Prioritize high defenses, especially chaos resistance, to mitigate the storms’ damage. Consider using skills like Cast when Damage Taken or Immortal Call to further improve survivability.
  • Luring enemies: Similar to the Hexfields, try to lure enemies out of the storms’ reach to avoid giving them the upper hand.
  • Phase manipulation: Some skills or map modifiers can temporarily remove the storms from the map, offering brief windows of opportunity to attack or reposition.

Overall, encountering Sirus’ Deatomisation Storms in a tier 17 map is a significant challenge. However, with careful planning, awareness, and strategic utilization of your skills and defenses, you can navigate the map and emerge victorious.

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