Torchlight Infinite Solo Self Found Mode SSF

Solo Self Found Mode SSF

Hunters can choose to create their characters in Solo Self Found Mode.In Solo Self Found Mode, characters cannot use functions such as Trade House and forming teams.

Ah, Solo Self Found (SSF) mode! This is a popular choice for players who seek a more challenging and self-reliant experience in Torchlight Infinite. Let’s explore what it entails for Hunters:


  • Trade House: You cannot access the Trade House, meaning you rely solely on loot drops and crafting for acquiring new equipment. This adds a layer of resource management and planning, as every drop becomes potentially valuable.
  • Team Formation: You cannot party up with other players. This means you face all challenges solo, relying on your own skills and build to overcome obstacles.


  • Gear Progression: Gearing up can be slower and more unpredictable compared to playing with access to trading. You might need to adapt your build depending on what drops you find, or utilize crafting more heavily.
  • Boss Encounters: Certain bosses and high-level content might be significantly harder to tackle solo. You’ll need to carefully strategize, optimize your build, and potentially utilize consumables or other temporary buffs to overcome these hurdles.


  • Sense of Accomplishment: Beating the game and conquering challenges in SSF mode offers a unique sense of achievement and self-reliance.
  • Deeper Understanding of the Game: You’ll gain a deeper understanding of the game’s mechanics and systems as you rely on your own skills and knowledge to progress.
  • Discovery and Creativity: You’ll be less reliant on specific meta builds and have more opportunity to experiment with different skill combinations and equipment types to find what works best for you.

Tips for Hunters in SSF:

  • Focus on Versatility: Build your Hunter to be adaptable to different enemy types and situations. Consider skills that offer a mix of single-target and AoE damage, crowd control, and defensive utility.
  • Maximize Crafting: Invest in crafting skills and gather resources diligently. Crafting can be your primary source of gear upgrades, so ensure you have the materials and recipes needed for your build.
  • Utilize Consumables: Don’t underestimate the power of consumables like potions, scrolls, and bombs. They can offer temporary buffs, debuffs, or healing that can be crucial in tough encounters.
  • Adapt and Improvise: Be prepared to adjust your strategy and build on the fly based on what loot you find. Don’t be afraid to experiment and try new things, as this is part of the SSF experience.

Remember, SSF mode is about embracing the challenge and finding satisfaction in overcoming it through your own skill and perseverance. If you’re looking for a rewarding and unique experience in Torchlight Infinite, give SSF a try!

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