Thronespire Lost Ark Rewards

Thronespire Introduction

Arriving in Arkesia with the Demonic invasion after the events in South Vern, The Demon’s Tower is connected to Petrania— the world home to Kazeros’s Demon Legions. A distorted dimension has been created by the resonance between Petrania and the Tower. The Holy Sacrian Empire has confirmed that Demons are invading through this dimension, and have named it Thronespire. The dimension is growing, and is threatening Arkesia. The priests and knights of the Holy Sacrian Empire are trying to hold their ground, but they’re running short on supplies. Defeat the Demons pouring out of the Thronespire and defend Arkesia.

Thronespire Lost Ark Rewards

Thronespire Rewards

Thronespire is a new single-player dungeon experience in a twisted dimension with 50 levels. In Thronespire, you’ll battle until you run out of time, working to defeat as many levels and enemies as possible before you meet your match and succumb to the Demon Legions.

  • Completing the first 25 levels grant first-time clear rewards (you’ll earn rewards for every level you conquer).
  • The other 25 levels are focused on prestige and completion times— proving you have the solo skills it takes to conquer anything the Demon Legions throw your way.

Players will need to be Item Level 1325 to participate.

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