PoE Vigorous Virtue: Complete six Gem tasks

25. Vigorous Virtue(6)

Complete any six of the following Gem tasks.

Here’s how you can complete six out of the listed Path of Exile (PoE) Gem tasks:

Tasks you can complete without directly affecting equipped gems:

  1. Use a Facetor’s Lens to add experience to a Gem: Acquire a Facetor’s Lens (through Divine Font or Harvest Crafting) and use it on a spare, unlinked gem you don’t mind leveling.
  2. Corrupt a Gem to become either level 21 or 23% Quality (Risky): Use a Vaal Orb on a spare level 20, quality 20 gem (any type) and hope for the desired outcome. This is risky because there’s a chance the gem won’t level up, gain quality, or even transform into a unusable version. It’s recommended to use a spare gem for this task.

Tasks that require equipping specific gems:

  1. Have at least 6 support effects applying to a single skill gem at once: Link your desired skill gem with at least six different support gems that provide unique effects. You can experiment with different combinations to achieve this.
  2. Transform a Gem into a Transfigured Version (if you have access to the Labyrinth): Complete Labyrinth runs and look for Transfigured versions of a gem type you have. If you find one, use the Divine Font crafting option to transform another non-Transfigured version of the same gem type.

Tasks that require significant investment or time:

These tasks are mentioned for completeness, but be aware they require more effort or resources.

  1. Have a Socketed Skill Gem reach level 26 or higher (Not directly possible): While directly reaching level 26 isn’t possible, you can achieve similar power by using a combination of:
    • Level 20 Skill Gem: As the base.
    • Support Gems: Linking your skill with Empower Support (adds levels) and similar gems can effectively increase its power.
    • Item Modifiers: Equipping items with bonuses to skill gem level (e.g., +1 to Bow Gems) can further enhance the effective level.
  2. Have a socketed Skill Gem reach 51% quality or higher (Very Time-consuming): This requires extensive grinding or significant investment.
    • You can use Gemcutter’s Prisms to slowly increase quality, but this can be slow.
    • Alternatively, buying a high-quality gem from other players might be an option, but this requires currency.

Leveling an Awakened Gem to level 5 is another challenging task, but here are some options (separate from the above six):

  • Utilize Harvest Crafting (if available) to sacrifice corrupted gems for a Facetor’s Lens with high EXP and use it on the Awakened Gem (not recommended for beginners).
  • Run high-tier maps and kill monsters to slowly gain EXP for the Awakened Gem (very time-consuming).
  • Purchase a leveled Awakened Gem from other players (fastest option, but requires currency).

Remember, these are just suggestions. Choose the tasks that best suit your current resources and goals!

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