Sanctum Research is a category of item that can be inserted into the Relic Altar to access the Sanctum floor of the Forbidden Sanctum. It is obtained by completing the previous floor in the Sanctum.
Sanctum Research includes:
Sanctum Vaults Research is a misc map item. It can be inserted into the Relic Altar to access the Sanctum Vaults floor of the Forbidden Sanctum.
Area Level: #. Resolve: #/300. Inspiration: #. Aureus: #.
Flavour Text: The treasures within are tainted by a black spirit.
Right click this item to view details of the Sanctum in progress. Take this item to the Relic Altar in the Forbidden Sanctum to enter.
Sanctum Vaults Research has restrictions on where or how it can drop.
A Sanctum run contains 4 floors, each containing 8 rooms. The 8th room of each floor always contains a Boss. Players can choose to engage in a room every time they encounter the portal to the Sanctum in an area or map, or defer up to 8 rooms (1 floor) to be run consecutively at a later time. Crashing during a Sanctum room will reset progress for that room and will resume the same area on your next map. Aureus and rewards are only locked in upon successful completion of a room. Each Sanctum run is independent between characters on the same account.
Floor | Icon | Name | Contains |
Sanctum Vaults | Battleground | ||
Sanctum Vaults | Decrepit Cellar | ||
Sanctum Vaults | Derelict Caverns | ||
Sanctum Vaults | Gauntlet | ||
Sanctum Vaults | Reliquary | ||
Sanctum Vaults | Experimentation Chamber | ||
Sanctum Vaults | Merchant | Contains Merchant | |
Sanctum Vaults | Accursed Pact | Contains Accursed Pact | |
Sanctum Vaults | Fountain | Contains Fountain | |
Sanctum Vaults | Afflicted Fountain | Contains Afflicted Fountain | |
Sanctum Vaults | Benevolent Fountain | Contains Benevolent Fountain | |
Sanctum Vaults | Radiant Fountain | Contains Radiant Fountain | |
Sanctum Vaults | Offer | Offers Items on Completion | |
Sanctum Vaults | Major Treasure | Contains Major Treasure Reward | |
Sanctum Vaults | Minor Treasure | Contains Minor Treasure Reward | |
Sanctum Vaults | Candlelit Chapel | Contains Braom and Uzar, the Experiments |
Upon successfully completing that sanctum floor, the next floor is generated as a tradable item with all of the state of your sanctum run built-in. This means that the item stores what Boons and afflictions you had, what rewards you've locked in, and how much resolve you have left. You can then either play this floor or trade it to someone else if it feels more beneficial.
For example, let's say you manage to lock in a really valuable reward. The example here is a Mirror of Kalandra. This is an example here where the player has a very good reward locked in, but a massive pile of dangerous afflictions and only one resolve on them. If you don't feel capable of completing the rest of the sanction from this point, then it would normally be a write-off. You can now trade the sanctum state to someone else who is willing to pay for the chance to earn the Mirror or lose it.
Name | Icon | Description |
Sanctum Vaults Research | Area Level: 77. Resolve: 272/307. Inspiration: 24. Aureus: 70.
How to use: Right click this item to view details of the Sanctum in progress. Take this item to the Relic Altar in the Forbidden Sanctum to enter. Flavour Text: The treasures within are tainted by a black spirit. |
After meeting Divinia in Act Ten, you’ll find Sanctum items while playing maps in the endgame. These tradeable items each represent a whole floor of the Sanctum. Upon successfully completing that Sanctum floor, the next floor is generated as a tradeable item, with all your Boons, Afflictions and Resolve states built-in.
GGG has rebalanced The Forbidden Sanctum to provide more variety in the mechanics and monsters you encounter. Most notably, your primary character defences are now able to protect your resolve. Relics have also been rebalanced and are now tradeable.