Pit-a-Pat Headband Chest – Lost Ark

Pit-a-Pat Headband Chest is an item. Grade: Rare.

It is sold by Della for 500 x Festival Coin.

Max stack count: 9999

Bound to Roster on Pickup. Unsellable. Indestructible. Cannot be dismantled. Limited to 1 uses in certain areas

A chest containing a headband that’s a must for anybody participating in the festival. Just looking at it makes me excited!

Lost Ark Pit-a-Pat Headband Chest

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Title Quantity
Pit-a-Pat Headband Chest (Assassin) 1
Pit-a-Pat Headband Chest (Gunner M) 1
Pit-a-Pat Headband Chest (Gunslinger) 1
Pit-a-Pat Headband Chest (Mage) 1
Pit-a-Pat Headband Chest (Martial Artist F) 1
Pit-a-Pat Headband Chest (Striker) 1
Pit-a-Pat Headband Chest (Warrior) 1

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