PoE Expedition Areas

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Area Search from Path of Exile Trade Underground Area Dialogue
Battleground Graves Search Spectral Hollow, Forgotten Grotto, Alluring Pool, Chittering Chamber I’m intrigued by this Eternal Empire. I’d call them not quite Eternal since they’re all dead now, but since so many of them are still walking around as shamblers, perhaps they were aptly named. Care to explore one of their ancient sites, Exile?
Karui Wargraves Search Spectral Hollow, Forgotten Grotto, Alluring Pool, Chittering Chamber This expedition might take us through a Karui site. Now those are an honourable people I’d very much like to get to know. I’ve spent my life in search of renown, so their Way intrigues me. Shall we learn all we can, Exile?
Bluffs Search Sandy Vestige, Mushroom Thicket, Lost Sanctum, Chittering Chamber I’m intrigued by this Eternal Empire. I’d call them not quite Eternal since they’re all dead now, but since so many of them are still walking around as shamblers, perhaps they were aptly named. Care to explore one of their ancient sites, Exile?
Rotting Temple Search Fortified Redoubt, Noxious Gutter, Sandy Vestige, Mushroom Thicket, Lost Sanctum, Chittering Chamber I’m intrigued by this Eternal Empire. I’d call them not quite Eternal since they’re all dead now, but since so many of them are still walking around as shamblers, perhaps they were aptly named. Care to explore one of their ancient sites, Exile?
Shipwreck Reef Search Spectral Hollow, Forgotten Grotto, Alluring Pool The terrain clues from this logbook could potentially take us to a location once inhabited by Sirens. Sounds like a myth to me, but myths usually contain a kernel of truth. Perhaps I’ll stuff my ears to avoid their supposedly enchanting songs. We could then investigate and see the truth for ourselves. What do you say, Exile?
Cemetery Search Fortified Redoubt, Heroic Tomb, Lost Sanctum, Chittering Chamber The Oriathans haven’t been very friendly to us. This expedition might take us through one of their sites, and I’ve half a mind to desecrate a bit extra on purpose. Interested in some destruction, Exile?
Sarn Slums Search Noxious Gutter, Sandy Vestige I’m intrigued by this Eternal Empire. I’d call them not quite Eternal since they’re all dead now, but since so many of them are still walking around as shamblers, perhaps they were aptly named. Care to explore one of their ancient sites, Exile?
Dried Riverbed Search Fortified Redoubt, Noxious Gutter, Sandy Vestige, Lost Sanctum I’m intrigued by this Eternal Empire. I’d call them not quite Eternal since they’re all dead now, but since so many of them are still walking around as shamblers, perhaps they were aptly named. Care to explore one of their ancient sites, Exile?
Mountainside Search Fortified Redoubt, Heroic Tomb, Forgotten Grotto I don’t know much about the Maraketh, but this logbook’s landmarks might have us treading on one of their ancient sites. I think we can get away with it if we’re quick. It’s up to you, Exile.
Forest Ruins Search Heroic Tomb, Mushroom Thicket, Chittering Chamber If I’m translating this logbook correctly, they seem to have met a tribe of… monkeys?… that could communicate with hand signs. They were capable of trade, and even had their own statues of deities unknown. I’ve been continually astounded by Wraeclast’s wonders and dangers, but this one still seems a bit unbelievable to me. Shall we investigate this claim, Exile?
Desert Ruins Search Fortified Redoubt, Sandy Vestige, Heroic Tomb I don’t know much about the Maraketh, but this logbook’s landmarks might have us treading on one of their ancient sites. I think we can get away with it if we’re quick. It’s up to you, Exile.
Vaal Temple Search Heroic Tomb, Forgotten Grotto I’m not a treasure-seeker by nature, but this one tempts even me. The logbook describes mountains of gold found in Vaal cities filled with colourfully dressed shamblers. Mountains of gold. Mountains… of gold… Do you think they’re still there? Let’s find out. Unless you want to travel to other less interesting sites for some reason…
Utzaal Outskirts Search Noxious Gutter, Mushroom Thicket, Lost Sanctum, Chittering Chamber I’m not a treasure-seeker by nature, but this one tempts even me. The logbook describes mountains of gold found in Vaal cities filled with colourfully dressed shamblers. Mountains of gold. Mountains… of gold… Do you think they’re still there? Let’s find out. Unless you want to travel to other less interesting sites for some reason…
Scrublands Search Forgotten Grotto, Alluring Pool, Chittering Chamber I’m not sure I understand what I’m translating. At least one of the locations mentioned in this logbook belonged to a tribe of ‘men of no name’ who worshipped the bones of a specific kind of long-dead beast whose description makes no sense to me. Your continent is strange. Interested in exploring that area, Exile?
Volcanic Island Search Spectral Hollow, Forgotten Grotto This expedition might take us through a Karui site. Now those are an honourable people I’d very much like to get to know. I’ve spent my life in search of renown, so their Way intrigues me. Shall we learn all we can, Exile?

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